Что будет, если постоянно хрустеть пальцами

Some people have a habit of cracking their fingers. They pull one finger by the tip or press it against the palm to hear a characteristic sound. If you're one of those knuckle crunchers, at least one person has probably told you that you'll develop arthritis over time.  Is it true? Do inflammatory processes in the joints really threaten 25 & ndash; 54% of people who like to crunch their knuckles?

Estet-portal.com will tell you how things really are and what happens when a person cracks his fingers.

What happens when a person cracks his fingers

When a person cracks his fingers, the space between the articular surfaces of the bones increases, and the gases present in the synovial fluid of the joint form microscopic bubbles. These microscopic bubbles coalesce into large bubbles that burst under the pressure of a liquid that tends to fill the resulting space.

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After the cracking of the knuckles
, the characteristic sound can be heard again after about 15 minutes. This time is necessary for the joint cavity to return to its normal size and the dissolution of gases in the liquid, which is necessary for the formation of bubbles, which will lead to the next “pop”.

Theoretically, regular knuckle crunching for decades can lead to damage to the cartilage that covers the joint. Such damage may be the result of mechanical wear, however, there is no sufficient information about such a consequence of finger crunching .

Is it harmful to crunch your fingers – as evidenced by studies

Actually, research on the problem of finger crunching is not that much. The most famous of these is a study by Californian Dr. Donald Unger, who received the Ig Nobel Prize in 2009. For 60 years, the doctor crunched the fingers of only his left hand. As a result, the doctor concluded that neither the joints of the right hand nor the joints of the left hand after 60 years were affected by arthritis.  

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The following studies have also been devoted to this issue:

  • 1975 – Los Angeles – a study involving 28 volunteers who had a habit of cracking their fingers; result – reduced risk of developing osteoarthritis;

  • 1990 – Detroit – a study involving 300 volunteers over 45; result – those who liked to crack their knuckles had a slightly weaker grip compared to people who did not have such a habit; 84% of volunteers who cracked their fingers had hand swelling.

With regard to arthritis, there is no evidence to support the role of finger crunching in the development of this disease.

At the same time, studies show that the frequency of finger crunching does not affect the development of arthritis, and the disease itself develops regardless of whether a person cracks his fingers or not.

Does this mean it's ok to crack your fingers

How did the myth that cracking fingers lead to arthritis develop?

The fact is that in patients with arthritis, the crunch of the joints – a phenomenon common due to damage to the cartilaginous surface of the joint. However, such a crunch – not the cause, but the consequence of the disease.

Risk factors in the development of arthritis are considered to be:

  • age changes;

  • genetic predisposition;

  • injury;

  • hard work;

  • malnutrition;

  • metabolic disorder;

  • infections;

  • certain diseases (tuberculosis, dysentery, gonorrhea, gout).

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However, the habit of cracking the knuckles of the fingers is not the cause of arthritis, although there are cases of accidental injury to the fingers and sprains as a result of attempts to crack the fingers. Otherwise, the only side effect of this habit is that it annoys most people around.

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