Дефицит витамина В6: опасность, симптомы и способы восполнения

The human body needs a number of vitamins to function properly. The lack of just one of them can be manifested by quite alarming symptoms and concomitant diseases. Today we will talk about the role of vitamin B6, a representative of B vitamins, in the human body.

We will also look at possible signs that indicate a vitamin B6 deficiency, as well as the main sources of its receipt and ways to prevent such a deficiency.

Vitamin B6: functions and role in the human body

Pyroxidine, as vitamin B6 is also called, takes part in more than a hundred different biochemical processes in which it plays the role of a coenzyme. To avoid a lack of this vitamin, you need to know which foods contain it (the list of foods can be found here: http://pitanieinfo.ru/vitaminy/b6. Among the processes that require a sufficient amount of vitamin B6 , you can highlight:

  • glycogen metabolism;
  • metabolism of amino acids;
  • nucleic acid production;
  • hemoglobin production and metabolism.

Pyroxidine – an integral component of a number of processes occurring in the body. So:

  1. The processing of carbohydrates and proteins for energy production is carried out with the participation of vitamin B6.
  2. Vitamin B6 is also involved in the processing of amino acids, promotes their absorption through the digestive system, as well as synthesis and destruction.
  3. Pyroxidine helps to convert the amino acid tryptophan into niacin (vitamin B3) and serotonin (the happiness neurotransmitter);
  4. Pyroxidine is involved in the production and synthesis of numerous body chemicals:
  • insulin;
  • enzymes;
  • hemoglobin;
  • neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine);
  • prostaglandins;
  • histamine;
  • adrenaline.

Vitamin B6 ensures the health of the immune system and supports its proper function.

Hair needs vitamins



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In addition, pyroxidine is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and the central nervous system as a whole, and pyroxidine is extremely important for the health of neurons and muscle cells.

Production of red and white blood cells (i.e. erythrocytes and leukocytes) – another important mission of vitamin B6, along with the protection of the heart, which it provides through the fight against cholesterol deposits.

To improve the absorption of vitamin B12, vitamin B6 is also needed. Vitamin B6 deficiency – symptoms, causes and comorbidities

Based on the above tasks that vitamin B6 performs, one can understand what the lack of this vitamin in the body leads to.

It is worth noting, however, that vitamin B6 deficiency – the phenomenon is rare, since almost all food products contain at least a minimal amount of pyroxidine. The most common cause of vitamin B6 deficiency is impaired absorption of nutrients in the digestive system. The reasons for such violations can be:

alcohol abuse;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • certain drugs (isoniacid, hydrolazine, penicillamine).
  • Lack of vitamin B6 can also be a consequence of a malfunction of the central nervous system (central nervous system).

B vitamins: benefits for skin and body

Possible symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency:

Vitamin B6 deficiency manifests itself in different ways. So, against the background of a deficiency of this vitamin, the following may appear:

tingling in limbs;
  • confusion;
  • seizures;
  • weakness;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • discoordination.

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Among the skin manifestations of vitamin B6 deficiency:

seborrheic dermatitis;
  • itching;
  • oily skin;
  • flaking.

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Other signs of a lack of pyroxidine include:

cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • glossitis (inflammation of the tongue);
  • stomatitis;
  • Cracked lips.
  • As far as the dosage of this vitamin is concerned, a dose of up to 200 mg per day for an adult is not toxic. If the specified dose is exceeded, disorders of the nervous system may occur, incl. imbalance, numbness in the limbs, difficulty walking, decreased sensitivity to touch and temperature, fatigue. That is why the need to take pyroxidine in supplements, as well as the dosage, is determined by the doctor after the tests.

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