Демодекоз на лице: симптомы, причины и лечение заболевания

Pimples on the face, irritation, redness, ulcers and many other problems on the skin of the face disturb women and men. Not all acne appears due to puberty or hormonal disruptions, and not always redness and itching can be the cause of allergies. Microscopic parasites live in sebaceous glands and hair follicles in 80% of mankind – ticks. They are activated under the influence of many factors and begin to multiply and, as a result, a new generation begins to eat epidermal cells at a high speed. This mite is called Demodex. And the dermatological disease that is caused by this tick is called demodicosis.

What is demodicosis, what are its consequences, symptoms and signs, read on estet-portal.com.

Demodicosis on the face: symptoms of the disease

The demodex mite can live not only in the sebaceous glands on the skin of the face, but also in the glands of the cartilage of the eyelids and hair follicles. In size, it is no more than 3/10 of a millimeter.


Nothing threatens a person if several (2-3) individuals live in the follicles or sebaceous glands. Problems begin from the moment when Demodex moves to active reproduction. When their number grows, various reactions appear on the skin, indicating damage to the skin.

How to distinguish between demodicosis on the face and other skin diseases? To do this, it is worth carefully studying the symptoms of this disease:

  • Redness, itching and irritation – the face swells first, then covered with purulent acne. Itching is always present, it can be slight or very strong.
  • The feeling that someone is crawling under the skin – this symptom is present in almost every patient.
  • The skin begins to become very oily due to the activation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Emotional state worsens – there is constant irritation and apathy, anger and fatigue.
  • Hair and eyelashes may fall out ­– only in some cases, if the disease is in a neglected state.
  • Eyelids swell and redden – if the tick is activated in the glands of the eyelids.

Thus, the demodex mite can live on the skin of the eyelids, forehead, in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, chin and superciliary arches, in the external auditory canal.

Demodicosis can easily be confused with acne or rosacea. The main lever of descent, after which the tick begins to actively multiply, is a decrease in immunity.

Leaving demodicosis untreated can exacerbate the problem and lead to intractable consequences: acne, rosacea, dermatitis and other equally serious skin diseases. The tick can cause especially serious damage to the ear canal, affecting the nerve, which can lead to hearing loss. In addition, demodex causes significant damage to the nasal concha, distorting a person's appearance.

What are the reasons for the development of demodicosis on the face 

What influences the active reproduction of the tick in the human body:

  1. Decreased immunity – this is the main factor. May aggravate in the autumn-winter period, during menstruation, while taking antibiotics.
  2. Stress and depression – lead to a decrease in immunity, the protective functions weaken, and demodex takes advantage of this.
  3. The use of other people's accessories for applying cosmetics and the cosmetics themselves – this reason is quite common.
  4. Using feather fillings for pillows or duvets. In such an environment, the tick feels comfortable and goes into the stage of active reproduction. In addition to demodex, the itch mite can live in feather pillows.
  5. Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of chronic diseases lead to favorable conditions for tick reproduction and the occurrence of demodicosis.
  6. Demodicosis on the face can also appear as a result of malnutrition or eating junk food – sweet, salty, fried, very fatty.
  7. Another important reason that provokes a deterioration in general well-being due to the activation of the tick – abuse of thermal procedures. The tick loves heat and breeds even faster in warm conditions if you wash your face and wash your hair with warm or hot water.

How to treat demodicosis: preventive measures

To find out if the problem areas on the skin are the result of the vital activity of the Demodex mite, it is necessary to take a scraping to the laboratory. The material is examined for the presence of Demodex mite eggs or adults. The doctor may take a scraping from the surface of the skin, eyelids, or examine the patient's eyelashes.

To achieve the desired results and completely cure this disease, you must begin with the elimination of the causes. In addition, engage in cleansing the body, raising immunity and vitality in order to increase resistance. Only then can you proceed directly to treatment. Demodicosis on the face can be cured only with the help of the knowledge and skills of a dermatologist. This disease is not amenable to self-treatment.

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Complex therapy begins with taking drugs: antibiotics, means to maintain the efficiency of the liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract. It is also worth paying attention to the use of external agents: ointments, gels, emulsions, lotions. An important part of the treatment process is following a strict diet, which aims to eliminate harmful foods from the diet.

Preventive measures for demodicosis on the face:

  1. Give up feather fillers for pillows and blankets, replace them with silicone or sintepon.
  2. Replace all old cosmetics and application products, keep an eye on the expiration date.
  3. Never use other people's things, personal hygiene products, cosmetics.
  4. Wash with cold boiled water and dry your face and hair with disposable towels.
  5. Do not go to the bathhouse during exacerbations of the disease.
  6. Get rid of bad habits.
  7. Disinfect bed linen and clothing once every two weeks or more.
  8. Wash hats and scarves, headbands, hair bands and other headwear and hair products regularly.
  9. Avoid stressful situations.
  10. Never squeeze pimples, you can cause irreparable damage to the epidermis and infect the deep layers.

Demodicosis on the face can be cured if all the doctor's recommendations are carefully followed. Treatment can take from 3 to 6 months, but the prognosis is good – after successful treatment and following preventive measures, this disease will never bother you again.

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