Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are more popular today than ever before. After their necessity for health has been clinically confirmed, substances from the omega group began to be included in most high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes, and nutritionists strongly recommend supplementing your diet with products containing PUFAs.
But omega-6 deserves special attention: why take this substance and how it affects health and appearance, read in this article.
- Omega-6: why take it for health disorders
- Benefits of omega-6 for skin and hair
- How to prevent omega-6 deficiency in the body
Omega-6: what is taken for health disorders
Omega-6 is a large group of unsaturated fatty acids grouped together under a common term. These are lanoleic, docosadienoic, arachidonic and other acids. They are not synthesized in the human body, and can appear in it only with food, and at the same time they play a very important role in maintaining a number of processes and functions.
Omega-6 is prescribed for the prevention and in complex treatment of the following diseases and conditions:
Violations of the mental and physical development of the child.
Severe premenstrual and/or ovulatory syndrome.
Menstrual irregularities (including painful or irregular periods).
Excess cholesterol.
Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.
Liver dysfunction.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (mainly arthritis, osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis).
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But it is important to know that an overabundance of omega-6 in the body is just as dangerous as its deficiency. Among the most likely complications, experts mention disorders of the immune system with a predominance of hyperreactions (an increased tendency to allergies), blood clotting disorders (its thickening), which increases the risk of thrombosis and other complications and inflammatory processes. Therefore, do not exceed the dosage of drugs, which include PUFAs and take them according exactly instructions or recommendations of your doctor.
Benefits of omega-6 for skin and hair
Skin and hair are very "love" fats, and polyunsaturated fatty acids — not an exception. Regular consumption of products containing this substance or a course of taking dietary supplements or vitamins C omega-6 will quickly manifest itself. Hair acquires a special silkiness and softness, the skin gets rid of rashes, and any cicatricial changes, including post-acne on face and stretch marks on the body become almost imperceptible.
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It is especially important that in order to restore the health and beauty of hair and skin you can not be afraid of "overdose" — omega-6 has approximately the same effect on the appearance both when taken orally and when used locally in the form of masks and creams. Therefore, a part of this group of PUFAs can be used by adding the finished product (or a product with omega-6) to your cosmetic creams and lotions.
But before you start care skin and hair with PUFAs, analyze your diet. If it contains a lot of vegetable oils (linseed, sesame, corn), oily sea fish, nuts — perhaps it was an excess of PUFAs that led to brittle and dry hair, frequent episodes of skin inflammation and the appearance of acne on it. Alas, but these are the properties of this substance: both lack and excess are not very pleasantly reflected in the condition of the hair and skin.
How to prevent omega-6 deficiency in the body
The daily rate of this substance required by an adult varies within ranges 4-8g. Calculating your dose is quite easy: the better your health and the healthier lifestyle you lead, the less omega-6 required by the body. Accordingly, if you are exposed to high physical or mental stress, are in the recovery period after an illness or injury, then the daily amount of omega-6 needs to be “shifted” closer to upper limit of normal.
But, unfortunately, the amount of omega-6 in the diet of the average person usually greatly exceeds the recommended doses, often dozens of times. This is due to the consumption of a large amount of foods fried in vegetable oils (the main source of omega-6) and ready-to-eat foods (meat and canned fish, pastries, sausages, etc.), in recipe which include large amounts of fats of vegetable origin.
Therefore, the prevention of deficiency and overabundance of PUFAs is most effective through control over one's own diet. It should include about 70-150 g fats per day (depending on body weight and the degree of physical and mental stress), and of them ⅔ should be vegetable fats. This method of control will cover the body's need for PUFAs and not allow surplus
Read also: Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: the ratio matters
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