The founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, considered the house as a reflection of ourselves, our inner "I". And each room carries a symbolic meaning, affecting one or another part of our life. Of course, each of us attaches his own special meaning to this or that symbol, but Jungian psychoanalysts tried to create more general interpretations of symbols. So, looking at the house, you can roughly tell everything about its owner.

Order in the house and in life

If the house is in disarray, the accumulation of unnecessary things – this indicates infantilism, clutter with the internal problems of the owner himself. It turns out that the disorder in the house reflects the inability of a person to put things in order in other areas of his life, to take responsibility and control over the solution of the tasks and difficulties.

But if the house is sterile clean, which is scary to sneeze, it can be assumed that the owner, fearing the chaos of social life, is protected by regularity and order in his own house. Most likely, the owner of such a house is a closed or lonely person with low self-esteem. And if you think about it, how much time do you need to spend in dirty water and with various rags in order to put things in perfect order in the house? But this time could be spent on other things: communication with friends, spiritual development, sports, etc.

What the rooms will tell you

The appearance of the house reflects the impression that the owner makes on other people. A room has a certain effect on our subconscious, carrying a certain meaning. So, the corridor is a wired link between the entrance and the rest of the rooms. That is, it symbolically combines all spheres of life: interpersonal relationships, work, social contacts and inner harmony. And if your corridor is dark, dirty or impossible to pass, then most likely you are experiencing difficulties in balancing personal life and social interaction.

Kitchen – this is a place where food is prepared, where you can eat and be satisfied, not only physically, but also spiritually. The kitchen is responsible for satiating the need for love and acceptance, is responsible for perceiving the world and getting pleasure and a sense of security.

Living room – it is the place responsible for communication, whether it is communication with family members or with friends.

Bedroom – a place responsible for sexuality, attitude towards sex. Also the bedroom – place to rest sleep. Look at your bedroom: do you like it? Do you want to spend time there? What / how do you wake up in the morning: alert / alert or tired / tired?

The bathroom symbolizes the attitude towards yourself, because it is here that you are preparing to present yourself to the world. A bathroom can tell you how you take care of yourself, how you love yourself, whether you pamper yourself, know how to relax, or are constantly under pressure.

Take a close look at your home. If you don't like something in your life, you can decorate or simply clean this or that room. After all, sometimes simply putting things on the shelves helps to sort out your thoughts, put them in order, and by adding armchairs or a sofa to the living room you can expand the scope of your communication. Good luck to you! Order and harmony in your home! 


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