Bags under the eyes – This is the problem with most people today. Accelerated rhythm of life, constant lack of sleep, stress – There are many reasons for their appearance, in principle, as well as ways to deal with them. Of course, there are a large number of creams and masks that you can buy in the store, agrees But if folk remedies are closer to you, then this article is for you. All masks and lotions, the recipes of which we offer, can be used both as needed and for prevention purposes. They are applied to the eyes for only twenty minutes, and then washed off with plain warm water.

What is better to use for bags under the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is thin and sensitive, and it needs a special approach to take care of it properly.

One has only not to get enough sleep or eat poorly, as circles, swelling and bags under the eyes will immediately make themselves felt. To improve the situation, you can use the tools that are at your fingertips.

To remove bags and circles under the eyes you can use:

  • Compresses,
  • Gifts,
  • Masks.

We share recipes on how to quickly get rid of bags and bruises under the eyes at home.


Compresses for puffiness and bags under the eyes

The best compresses are herbal treatments:

  • Gathering herbs. Burgundy, mint, lime blossom, eyebright, arnica, rosemary and chamomile. In order to prepare this compress, you can use these herbs individually or in combination. To do this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dried herbs and pour boiling water over it. After the composition is infused, it can be used. But only when warm. If the infusion has cooled down and become cold, it can be heated even in the microwave. Compresses should be repeated until the bags under the eyes disappear.
  • Melissa. For a lemon balm compress, you will need white bread pulp and medicinal lemon balm juice. The pulp must be poured with juice and wrapped in gauze, confirms So apply directly in gauze to the eyes. Such a compress is able to remove puffiness and bags under the eyes within half an hour.
  • Horsetail. A tablespoon of dry field horsetail should be poured with a glass of boiling water. After that, put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove from heat after 15 minutes and set aside. Apply a warm compress to the eyes.
  • Parsley. You need to take the parsley root and grind it in a meat grinder. Then pour it with infused black tea. Let it brew with parsley. And you can do compresses. Such a compress copes with its task no worse than others and removes bags and bruises under the eyes.

Read also: Quickly get rid of bags and blue circles under the eyes

Lotions for bags and swelling under the eyes

In addition to compresses, lotions will help you well. They can be made from:

  • birch. Spring or even summer lotion - simply because it needs fresh birch leaves. So, you need to take five or six leaves, and pour them with a glass of mineral water. Leave to stand overnight. In the morning you can make a lotion.
  • tea and chamomile. But this lotion is suitable for any time of the year. You need to take a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers and mix it with a teaspoon of dry tea leaves. After that, pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. It must be used warm.

Masks for bags and dark circles under the eyes

If you suffer not only from bags, but also dark circles under the eyes, then we suggest using the option of applying masks:

  • Potato mask. For the potato mask, you will need warm mashed potatoes. Place it in gauze and apply to your eyes. Instead of boiled potatoes, you can use raw grated potatoes. Or you can take a whole potato and cut it in half. Apply with a whole half.
  • Honey mask. For this mask, you will need protein, a tablespoon of wheat flour and a tablespoon of melted honey. All this must be mixed and applied to the area around the eyes. Avoid contact with eyes.
  • Sour cream mask. Take two teaspoons of sour cream and add a teaspoon of chopped parsley to it. Then mix the ingredients and gently apply to the swelling.
  • Cucumber mask. Surprisingly, for a cucumber mask, you will need one medium cucumber and a glass of milk. Cucumber should be grated on a fine grater and applied to the eyes. Next, soak a cotton pad in milk and cover the gruel.


We really hope that our advice will help you not only get rid of bags under your eyes, but also rejuvenate your skin, giving it more shine and beauty. Share with us recipes for fighting bags and puffiness under the eyes on

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