Severe sore throat is a signal that must be dealt with quickly to prevent serious illness. The patient needs to visit a medical institution to find out the cause of the pain. Correct diagnosis is the key to successful treatment.

Main causes of sore throat

Sore throat  associated with a change in local vascular reactions on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. Causes of pain:

  1. Viruses. Fever, runny nose, burning sensation in the larynx, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, dry mouth.
  2. Allergic reactions. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.
  3. Angina. Pain when swallowing (feeling of a lump that prevents you from swallowing food calmly), inflammation of the tonsils, fever.
  4. Presence of a foreign body. The pain becomes more intense as (all kinds of objects, pieces of food, etc.) scratch the mucous membrane in the process of swallowing.
  5. Cold diseases. A cold is accompanied by fever, runny nose, cough.
  6. Bacterial diseases (pharyngitis, flu).
  7. Dry air in living area.

Diagnostics for sore throat

To find out the cause of the sore throat,  the doctor does a mucosal examination, if necessary, a  blood test, which can reveal the presence or absence of infection. At this stage,  the main thing is to avoid complications.

List of diagnostic procedures (by appointment):

  • pharyngoscopy (examination of the pharynx and pharynx with a special mirror);
  • radiography (examination of the internal structure of objects);
  • bacteriological culture (a study in which biological material is placed on a nutrient medium where microbes grow);
  • venereologist consultation (to exclude syphilis and gonorrhea, which make themselves felt with a sore throat).


Treatment of sore throat at home

Treatment can be done at home,  in case   detection of the common cold. Self-medication should be discontinued if there is no improvement in the condition and the pain does not go away.

What to do at home to relieve a sore throat:

  • you need to drink more warm liquids;
  • Use throat gargles;
  • use painkillers that do not cause harm to other organs;
  • not bad  apply cough lozenges, lozenges;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol for the period of illness, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane;
  • with an increase in temperature, the occurrence of edema and inflammation of the mucous membrane, take anti-inflammatory & nbsp; drugs.

Traditional methods of treating sore throat

Traditional medicine recipes for sore throats are most often aimed at treating colds. For example:

  • breathe the steam of boiled potatoes (starch - has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane);
  • essential oils, relieve irritation and inflammation;
  • great benefits of drinking tea with raspberries, lemon and honey (they help reduce sore throats and increase immunity);
  • infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and mint are suitable for rinsing.

Before resorting to traditional medicine recipes, you first need to consult a doctor, and only he can advise whether this or that recipe can be used. Remember   any disease requires attention, both from the patient and from the doctor. The path to recovery is a two-way process. Stay healthy!

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