Гимнастика при неврите лицевого нерва: лечебные упражнения

Persistent asymmetry and contractures – the result of neuritis of the facial nerve, in which healthy muscles additionally injure the immobilized muscle structures of the affected part of the face. Therefore, timely treatment – an extremely important tactic in case of nerve inflammation in the face.

To avoid long-term unpleasant consequences of neuritis, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to receive qualified assistance and determine a competent treatment plan.

And gymnastics for neuritis of the facial nerve will help to avoid complications of this disease.

Signs of development of neuritis of the facial nerve

Often, neuritis of the facial nerve is observed in the heat, when people, trying to escape from high temperatures, use air conditioners. Therefore, it is important to choose the location of this technique wisely in order to avoid problems with the facial nerve. 

Often the culprit of neuritis of the facial nerve is the air conditioner

After a month and a half, it may seem that the healthy side is paralyzed (due to contracture of facial muscles). Patients describe the sensations during contracture as an unpleasant tightening. The contracture is especially pronounced with stress (physical and mental), in the cold, with excitement.

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Below we will introduce you to:

  • rules and important points of performing gymnastics for facial neuritis (NLN);
  • directly with gymnastics exercises for NLN.

The main signs indicating neuritis of the facial nerve are:

  • inability to close the eye on the affected side, turning the eyeball up;
  • unilateral flattening of the nasolabial folds;
  • cheek swelling during conversation;
  • accumulation of solid food between cheek and gum during eating;
  • pouring drinks out the corner of the mouth.

See also: "Asymmetric disease": how to recognize neuritis of the facial nerve

Thus, on the affected side you will notice:

  • reduced palpebral fissure;
  • more pronounced nasolabial fold;
  • eyelid twitching (spontaneous);
  • spontaneous twitching of the chin.

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Important moments of gymnastics for neuritis of the facial nerve

To make sure that the manipulations performed are correct, it is better to conduct several trial sessions with the attending physician. At home, gymnastics for neuritis of the facial nerve should be performed exclusively in front of a mirror and in a sitting position. This is necessary to control accompanying movements, the fixing of which is highly undesirable.

Before each exercise, it is important to achieve complete relaxation of the muscles, especially on the healthy side of the face.

Symmetry – Another important condition when performing gymnastics for the face. To achieve symmetry, it will be necessary to limit the range of motion of the healthy half of the face, holding it with your hand.

Gymnastics for neuritis of the facial nerve: description of FitFace exercises

Gymnastics for neuritis of the facial nerve consists of the following exercises:

1. Head tilts back and forth. Slow execution. Quantity: 6-8 times.

2. Alternate tilts of the head to the shoulder located on the healthy side, and passive tilts (with the help of another person).

3. Head turns left and right. Slow execution. Quantity: 6-8 times.

4. Fold closed lips with a "tube", then stretch in a smile. Quantity: 6-8 times.

5. Inflate both cheeks at the same time and release air with noise. Quantity: 6-8 times.

6. Simultaneous retraction of both cheeks. Quantity: 6-8 times.

7. After taking air into your mouth, start distilling from one cheek to another.

8. Open and close your eyes tightly. Quantity: to fatigue.

9. Overcoming the effort of a healthy hand, which pinched his forehead, raise his eyebrows. Quantity: 6-8 times.



Therapeutic measures are aimed at increasing the circulation of blood and lymph in the face, improving nerve conduction, restoring the functionality of facial muscles, and preventing muscle contracture.

In case of an inflammatory lesion of the facial nerve, the following is required:
  1. "Position Treatment":
  • sleep on affected side;
  • sit on a chair (3-4 times a day), bowing your head to the affected side, holding your head with your hand and leaning on your elbow (10 minutes).
  1. Massage of the collar zone from the second week of the disease (using a sparing technique), starting from the healthy side.
  2. Myostimulation
  3. with microcurrents and facial massage.
  4. Gymnastics
  5. (FitFace App on AppStore).
  6. Facial self-massage
  7. (FitFace application in the AppStore, complex called "Self-massage").
  8. Gymnastics for neuritis of the facial nerve – a very important part of
effective treatment

. It is important that the patient consistently follows the recommendations of the specialist. And the doctor must evaluate a number of important aspects before carrying out any manipulations in the facial area.