The discovery of insulin in 1921 was a kind of revolution in the medical world, for which its researchers were awarded the Nobel Prize. And patients with diabetes, until that time considered doomed, received a healing medicine.

Everyone knows that the main purpose of this hormone is to act as a carrier of amino acids (primarily glucose). As well as the fact that its deficiency leads to the formation of type I diabetes mellitus, and its excess — to type II diabetes. However, its actions are not limited to this. 

The hormone insulin: a source of energy and diabetes 

Insulin translated from the Latin word "insula" means island. Formed in the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, he plays the first violin in a well-coordinated symphony of the body. It is insulin that provides all organs with glucose, which is the main source of energy.
However, the operation of this mechanism is very fragile.

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A healthy person has enough insulin in the blood to enrich all cells with glucose. But if a failure occurs and the intake of insulin becomes less or more, then this leads to the development of & nbsp; type I or II diabetes, respectively.

Depending on the disease, patients with diabetes are prescribed a certain type of insulin.

Ultra-short-acting insulins are administered 20 minutes before meals for absorption along with it. After 1.5 hours  there comes a peak of its action, which lasts 4 hours.

  • The rise in blood sugar needs to coincide with peak insulin exposure.

Long-acting insulins act for 14 hours. The maximum effect occurs after 6 hours.

  • Administered twice a day, morning and evening.

The hormone insulin and excess weight: sweets are accused

Insulin production occurs on "request" an organism that needs glucose for energy. Insulin helps to normalize its level. However, even if you do not have a predisposition to diabetes, you should remember that glucose gives not only the second wind that appears after eating a bar of chocolate, but is also deposited in the form of fat folds on the stomach and thighs.

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Doctors keep repeating about the harmfulness of foods with a high glycemic index, which contribute to high glucose production.

And the point is not even the extra weight that invariably appears at the same time, but the fact that this leads directly to the replenishment of the army of diabetics: there is not enough insulin in the blood to fight glucose.

What to do?

Remove high-glycogen foods from the menu.
Foods that increase blood glucose:

  • sugar products;
  • pastry products;
  • potato, white rice

Replace white rice with brown, potatoes — for cauliflower, sweets  — for berries and fruits. 

  • Exception — grapes, bananas, citrus fruits.

Introduce foods rich in chromium into your diet.

  • Meat, bran, legumes, cereals are rich in this mineral.

Switch to fatty and protein foods. It does not contain carbohydrates and sugar and is beneficial for the body.

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