– The most important hormone in our body, it is entrusted with the task of transporting glucose into cells from the blood. Thus, the body converts the hormone into energy or stores it as glycogen. This hormone is produced by the pancreas and, if there is too much of it or, on the contrary, there is a shortage, it develops diabetes mellitus. Insulin resistance is also dangerous, when enough insulin circulates in the blood, but the cells do not respond properly to it.
Nome Index – a method to determine how much insulin is in the blood. The editors of estet-portal.com will tell you what the method is, how to prepare for it and whether it is possible to reduce the index.
- Nome Index: When to Get a Diagnosis The Nome Index: what is it and what do the indicators say
- How to prepare for analysis and why the index rises
- How to return the Nome index to normal:
- food and drinking regimen Noma Index: when to get diagnosed
To prevent the disease from being taken by surprise, doctors recommend that from the age of 25, at least once a year, take an insulin resistance test. The condition is resistance to the metabolic effects of insulin.
There are certain signs and symptoms whose presence indicates the need for a test, among them:
• hypertension;
• rapid weight gain;
• tiredness after dinner;
• desire to eat sweet food;
• the presence of fat deposits in the waist;
• failure in the menstrual cycle;
• frequent urination;
The Nome Index: what is it and what do the indicators say
The calculation of the Nome index, which begins with blood sampling from a vein, will help to identify insulin resistance. Further, specialists using the developed Nome formula calculate the index, determining the amount of glucose and insulin in the blood.
Nome Index is characterized by the following formula: glucose level * insulin level / 22.5If insulin is produced in the required amount and works properly, then the test result will be 2 .5-2.7. It should be noted that the indicators are the same for both sexes and do not depend on age. The only exception is the teenage period, then the norm may increase slightly.
How to prepare for analysis and why the index rises
When the indicator exceeded the norm, then, naturally, this is a cause for concern. There are several reasons for increasing the index:
• diseases of the edocrine system;
• taking medications, including hormones or adrenergic blockers;
• acute infectious diseases.
Proper preparation for blood sampling will help to obtain the most reliable and accurate diagnostic results.
To do this, follow the rules: do not smoke for 30 minutes before the study;
• avoid physical activity half an hour before the test;• tell your doctor when taking medication;
• do not get tested if you have recently experienced severe stress or an acute illness;• the sampling is done on an empty stomach and it is desirable that the interval in eating from 10 to 14 hours is maintained. recognize and fix the problem
• the sampling is done on an empty stomach and it is desirable that the interval in eating from 10 to 14 hours is maintained. recognize and fix the problem
xxxx>• do not get tested if you have recently experienced severe stress or an acute illness;
• the sampling is done on an empty stomach and it is desirable that the interval in eating from 10 to 14 hours is maintained. recognize and fix the problem
How to return the Nome index to normal: nutrition and drinking regimen
Insulin resistance develops with high carbohydrate intake. Nutrition correction works in this direction, so carbohydrates are replaced with vitamins, protein, vegetable fats, fiber and low-calorie foods. lean meats and fish;
• fermented milk products with low fat content;
• fruits and vegetables;
• brown rice;
• whole grain bread.
Drinking regimen should be under control, its volume is from 2 to 2.5 liters per day. Optimal Drinks:• fruit drinks;• compotes;
• plain water;• decoctions.Drinks should not contain sugar, and doctors advise to forget about such bad habits as smoking and alcohol.
Nome Index
– This is a diagnostic method that allows you to determine the amount of insulin and glucose in the blood. A convenient test will help to exclude or determine a pathological condition in the body, because any disease is easier to cure with timely detection.
Drinks should not contain sugar, and doctors advise to forget about such bad habits as smoking and alcohol. This is a diagnostic method that allows you to determine the amount of insulin and glucose in the blood. A convenient test will help to exclude or determine a pathological condition in the body, because any disease is easier to cure with timely detection.
Drinks should not contain sugar, and doctors advise to forget about such bad habits as smoking and alcohol. This is a diagnostic method that allows you to determine the amount of insulin and glucose in the blood. A convenient test will help to exclude or determine a pathological condition in the body, because any disease is easier to cure with timely detection.
which measures the amount of insulin and glucose in the blood. A convenient test will help to exclude or determine a pathological condition in the body, because any disease is easier to cure with timely detection.
which measures the amount of insulin and glucose in the blood. A convenient test will help to exclude or determine a pathological condition in the body, because any disease is easier to cure with timely detection.
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