In our time, answers to all questions can be found on the Internet. Today's children ask in surprise: "Mom, how did you go to school? After all, there was no Internet before?"

And really, how did we used to be without the Internet? After all, we can find all the necessary information on the net, keep abreast of world events and discoveries, we can talk with foreign friends, we can download our favorite songs, books, films, we can make friends from all over the world. So many possibilities and so much fun! But where there is a lot of pleasure, a certain dependence often arises, because you want as many positive moments in life as possible. Where to find this fine line between pleasure/benefit and psychological addiction/harm?

First of all, I would like to point out that Internet addiction is not yet classified as a mental illness along with other addictions. So far, as the consequences of Internet addiction are not known, and only longitudinal studies are underway.

But doctors and psychologists, of course, note the negative consequences of Internet addiction. Basic —  This is anti-social. People are increasingly communicating in the virtual world, replacing real communication. As a result, real communication causes stress, depression, lowers self-esteem, develops a fear of rejection, etc. And it turns out a vicious circle: a person again goes into the virtual world,  not having learned to defend his opinion in real life, set goals and achieve them, seduce and be fascinated, conflict and find a compromise. In general, it loses all the fullness of life. Of course, anonymity and distance in the network creates an illusion for a person of his capabilities, of everything that in reality he avoids. But this is just an illusion, not life, and it is dangerous because at some point you can lose control over what you

Computer gambling is also spreading, when people spend hours playing shooters and walkers, spending a lot of money to buy players, gadgets, and make money bets.  At the same time, they skip meals or eat  at the monitor, sleep little, do not fulfill their family responsibilities, forget about relatives and friends, sometimes about studies and work. Interestingly, strategy and logic games do not cause addictions, unlike mindless shooters and rpg games. And the worst thing is that teenagers are prone to computer gambling. Indeed, at this age, teenagers usually look for themselves, their vocation, fall in love and experiment sexually, look for their involvement in a group, build their personality, increase their self-worth. And Internet addiction, removes them from normal development,

As you know, addiction is treated by substitution. So there are cases when drug addicts and alcoholics were cured, replacing chemical dependence with a lighter — internet addiction. And Internet addiction can be cured by real relationships with friends, loved ones. And remember:  the golden mean is always good! 


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