Как искусство живописи влияет на человека

Every person strives for beauty. Therefore, many, equipping their "nest", arrange figurines on chests of drawers, and on the window sills – flowerpots. And they also "decorate" walls with paintings.

These paintings not only bring aesthetic pleasure, but also have a huge impact on a person.

"Communication" with works made with paints on canvas, strengthen health and improve the psycho-emotional state of a person. Moreover, both when contemplating paintings, and when creating them.

How exactly the art of painting affects on a person, the editors of the Internet publication estet-portal.com will tell you more.

1. The art of painting – a powerful tool for personal development
2. Pictures have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain
3. Painting – the best cure for physical ailments and mental disorders
4. Fine art fills a person with various emotions
5. The art of painting is comparable to falling in love

The art of painting – powerful tool for personal development

Love for painting is not accidentally instilled in us from early childhood: in kindergartens, children are given paints, brushes and a piece of paper in their hands so that they depict what they want.

This type of fine art, being an artistic reflection of reality, strongly influences the development of a person's personality, namely:

• forms feelings, thoughts, life principles;

• develops the ability to empathize;

• helps develop your best sides;

• develops an aesthetic sense, that is, the ability to see beauty;

• lays the desire for beauty.

In other words, the art of painting helps a person to grow the human "I", to improve and develop spiritually.

In addition to deep knowledge of oneself, fine art gives a person the opportunity to express himself, think and create.

That is why it is so important to join to this type of fine art: look at the paintings of great artists, actively visit art museums that exhibit the works of contemporary masters, and also create paintings yourself.

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Pictures have a positive effect on brain function

By drawing, we thereby activate brain. The same thing happens if we just look at paintings. Neuroscientists came to this conclusion after conducting an electroencephalogram of the brain.

Drawing pictures and contemplating them involve both hemispheres of the brain. Forcing the convolutions to work with high activity, these activities develop concentration, improve analytical thinking, and also slow down the aging process of the brain.

Therefore, it is not surprising why painting and visiting art galleries are recommended to older people.

Painting – the best cure for physical ailments and mental disorders

After conducting numerous observations, scientists have found that the art of painting has a positive effect on a person's well-being. So, being surrounded by paintings relieves headaches and other unpleasant sensations, calms the nervous system, and heals mental wounds.

In addition, the use of paints on canvas and viewing works of figurative art prevents nervous breakdowns, and also eliminates such frequent "guests" of modernity, as worries, anxiety, stress and depression.

Some medical institutions even treat with "creativity", inviting patients to throw out their negative emotions using paints on a sheet of paper. Fine art fills a person with various emotions

The author puts his thoughts and feelings into each picture. And, accordingly, they are transmitted to the one who looks at the work of painting.

So, if a picture is painted in bright colors, it reflects kindness, love and sincerity, then a person will absorb all these emotions and will certainly give them to others.

According to scientists, each picture has its own energy, which affects the subconscious, and sometimes changes thoughts and even worldview.

And if the picture, on the contrary, carries negative energy: everything on the canvas is depicted in dark and dull colors, negative thoughts and aggression predominate, then the person will be filled with the same bad emotions and begin to splash them out on those around him

to the detriment.

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The art of painting is comparable to falling in love

It turns out that contemplating the paintings of great artists, you can get the same emotions that are present when falling in love. This conclusion was made by scientists from London College.

By examining the brain, they found that when looking at

fine art and the presence of a loved one nearby, the same areas that evoke the emotions of falling in love are activated in the brain. At the same time, there is a surge of dopamine – a hormone that gives a feeling of satisfaction and pleasant sensations.

In order to confirm this theory, professor of neuroscience Semir Zeki conducted one study. Its essence was that he showed the volunteers the paintings of great artists. Looking at them, the subjects increased blood flow to those parts of the brain that are responsible for the feeling of love.

The paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, Claude Monet and Sandro Botticelli had a particularly powerful influence.

"Beauty will save the world" – this phrase of the great writer F.M. Dostoevsky was said in one of his works not by chance. Indeed

the art of painting

gives aesthetic pleasure. And with it, it relieves pain, stress and depression. In addition, the creation and contemplation of paintings contributes to self-development and self-improvement, instills a love for beauty, and also gives a variety of shades of emotions, regardless of what is depicted on the canvas: landscape, portrait, still life or abstraction.

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