The appearance of a headache can be triggered by various factors - overwork, pressure drops, stressful situations, etc. When the head is very strong, a person is absolutely powerless, because the slightest movement, sound or bright light gives him unbearable suffering. Naturally, you can resort to the help of painkillers, but frequent use of them can harm the body and be addictive. An alternative to drugs are 5 methods that will help get rid of a headache without pills.

More than 80% of adults suffer from occasional headaches. It can occur even in a perfectly healthy person. There are many causes of headaches, ranging from the usual overwork to a sharp change in the weather. Let's understand the nature of the headache.

Why does my head hurt?

The appearance of a headache usually indicates that some disturbances occur in the body or some disease is exacerbated. Headache – this is usually one of the first and most unpleasant symptoms of health problems. Often the headache is episodic and disappears on its own as soon as the external irritant, which may have caused it, is eliminated – for example, stuffiness, weather changes. However, it can occur frequently and for no apparent reason, become chronic, reducing your ability to work and worsening your quality of life.

Moreover, this unpleasant sensation often causes depression, sleep disturbances and vegetative disorders. In this case, a doctor's consultation is simply necessary in order to get rid of the headache.


Each pain – your treatment

1. If your headache is caused by stress and has been bothering you for several days, the following advice will suit you: before going to bed, put one tablespoon of honey or granulated sugar in your mouth, after which you need to drink a glass of mineral water without gas. Vanga once advised this recipe to a woman who suffered from severe headaches after unpleasant experiences.

2. The healer advised chronic headaches to be treated with a decoction of savory (do not confuse with thyme!). Savory has antispasmodic properties. In this decoction, you need to dip your head for 10-15 minutes, then pour it over your whole body. Also, for headaches, it is recommended to wash your hair with a decoction of parsley.

3. Use lemon pomace. Take a fresh lemon peel about 2 centimeters in size, peel off the white matter, apply to the temple with the wet side and hold for a while. Attention: a red spot will form in the place under the lemon peel, which will itch a little, but the headache will completely disappear.

4. Another way to get rid of a headache — sitz bath, which must be taken 2 times a day. For headaches caused by overwork, a warm bath with herbs or sea salt, after which it is recommended to drink tea from chamomile or lemon balm, will have an excellent effect.

5. Clay – Another great remedy for headaches. It is believed that it is filled with "solar magnetism". Clay is made up of many minerals that our body needs and has the miraculous ability to eliminate various ailments. For headaches, clay lotions should be applied to the forehead and back of the head. Clay ointment can also be used for this purpose. To do this, take a lump of clay, soak it in water, stir with a stick to the consistency of an ointment and add a little vinegar. The resulting mixture must be applied to the soles of the feet to divert excess "bad" blood from the head. After applying, wrap your feet with any cloth and put on warm socks. Keep the ointment for an hour, then rinse with warm water.


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