A healthy and well-groomed face is the key to success in many endeavors. How upsets us when age-related changes become visible on the face. Today we will talk about hernias under the eyes. Probably, you could often observe in yourself or some people a large puffiness under the eyes. Most often this is a hernia. What causes these unpleasant defects? Can they be eliminated? What are the ways to remove hernias? Methods for preventing the appearance of edema under the eyes? & nbsp; Making a healthy face with estet-portal.com

Why do hernias appear under the eyes?

Hernia – this is a change under the eyes associated with the accumulation of adipose tissue. What is the difference between ordinary bags under the eyes and hernias? If you press on the sac and it increases in size, then this is a hernia. There is an opportunity to remove this defect, but only by surgical intervention. Unfortunately, cosmetic procedures give only a temporary effect.

    Let's deal with the reasons for their appearance:

  • Stressful situations (create spasms, blood circulation worsens);
  • Features of the structure of the anatomy of the bone structures of the orbit;
  • Eye diseases;
  • Hormonal insufficiency or failure of hormone levels;
  • Great load on the organs of vision;
  • Inadequate sleep, insomnia;
  • Unhealthy lifestyle (smoking and alcohol adversely affect blood circulation around the eyes);
  • Hereditary factor;
  • High exposure to ultraviolet light (if not protected by goggles in a tanning salon or at the beach)

This defect becomes more noticeable  after 35 years, when the skin becomes less elastic and loses its tone.


Ways to deal with hernias under the eyes

How to deal with these unpleasant deposits. There are several ways:

  • Cosmetic method:
  1. Cosmetic programs for special purposes (massage of the problem area, peeling, application of strong creams for the eye area);
  2. Lymphatic drainage (procedures are performed that are aimed at improving the outflow of lymph from the infraorbital zone);
  3. Electrical stimulation (with the use of low-frequency currents, the tone of the eyelids returns);
  4. RF-lifting (radio-frequency skin tightening in the area of ​​"bags");
  5. Mesotherapy (administration by means of microinjections of a substance that restores skin tone around the eyelid, activates collagen production)

Read also: Mesotherapy: understanding the terms with Elena Stoyanova

  • Surgical methods:
  1. Transconjunctival surgery (piercing the bags under the eyes with a special device and removing subcutaneous fat. It is performed both under general and local anesthesia)
  2. Scalpel method (an incision is made along the edge of the lower eyelashes, excess deposits are removed, sewn up with a cosmetic suture. The rehabilitation period is 1.5-2 months. Scars become almost invisible).
  • Home therapy consists in applications to the problem area of ​​various improvised means. So it is recommended to make patches from white clay, chopped parsley juice, boiled pumpkin or avocado, frozen black tea bags.

Methods for preventing hernias under the eyes 

As you know: it is better to prevent a disease than to cure it. What can be done to avoid this problem? If you notice the first signs of puffiness, try:

  • Don't drink a lot of water before bed;
  • Try to eat less salty foods, especially at night (it retains water in the body, which contributes to edema);
  • Avoid fried foods and alcoholic beverages;
  • Do prophylactic ice rubs with parsley juice or lemon water;
  • After 30, try to take care of the condition of the skin under the eyes, do special cosmetic procedures: carboxytherapy, RF-lifting or contouring.

In order for the muscles to always remain in good shape, it is enough to devote only three minutes a day to facial gymnastics exercises. Thanks to regular facial gymnastics, it is possible to always look fresh and young.

We hope you will heed the advice and be able to keep your youth and beauty for a long time with estet-portal.com.

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