It has long been believed that scars adorn a man. However, much more severe requirements were imposed on women's faces – Women's skin has always attracted with its perfect smoothness. What about scars? They don't paint a single face – regardless of gender.

If you are unlucky and for some reason such "marks" appear on your face, then do not despair – read on our portal what ways you can surely get rid of scars and scars on the skin: about the main methods of struggle, methods and types.

Scars & scars – causes and best remedies

Scars can remain after many situations: poorly healed wounds that were not properly cared for, traces after operations.

Scars are usually the result of improperly treated (or not treated at all, but simply squeezed out) pimples, blackheads, severely endured chickenpox.

Scars are divided into several types:

  • Atrophic – due to insufficient production of connective tissue, pits form at the site of the wound from the extruded abscess.
  • Keloid (red smooth spots that extend beyond the wounds) are, on the contrary, the result of too intense tissue production.
  • Hypertrophic are similar to keloids, but do not grow beyond the wounds.

It is worth mentally preparing for a long and versatile struggle, which will begin with the complete cure of the rash and inflammation, and only then – removing traces of them.

Combined treatments give the best effect.


The main methods of dealing with scars and scars:

  1. Home Care

It enhances the effect of other methods of treating scars and scars on the face, can serve as a prophylaxis to prevent the appearance of post-acne, in some cases – helps to discolor and reduce the depth of fresh scars and small scars. But if the problem is more serious, you should contact the professionals.

Most often used for skin treatment at home:

  • tomato-cucumber masks (contain acids that smooth the skin and also whiten it);
  • lemon juice, known for its whitening properties;
  • clay and bodyagi masks.
  1. Drug treatment

Pharmacy preparations against scars and scars used for external use. Gels, ointments, and creams can help with recent effects, but are not effective if your scars are already a year old or more. May enhance the effect of more serious treatments for scars and scars on the face.

  1. Cosmetic treatments

They are considered a highly effective method of struggle, although they may have a number of inconveniences for the patient: a large number of sessions, some pain in the process, discomfort during the rehabilitation period. However, chemical and hardware methods of skin smoothing give such good results that you can put up with inconvenience.

  1. Surgery

Practiced only in the most serious cases – for the deepest scars that are the result of more serious health problems than acne. Postoperative scars of a cosmetic nature will need to be lightened or removed in the beautician's office.

It is worth mentally setting yourself up for a multi-stage struggle, which will begin with the treatment of rashes and inflammations and the subsequent removal of traces of them. Combined treatments give the best effect.

We will take a closer look at modern achievements in cosmetology in order to find the best ways to get rid of scars and scars.

Apparatus treatment and chemical manipulations

Procedure name

The essence of the treatment



The machine cuts off raised areas in layers with brushes. As a result, the scar becomes even with the rest of the skin.

For medium damage

Chemical Peeling

Special acids exfoliate the middle layers of damaged skin, causing intensive renewal.

To eliminate acne marks

Phenolic Peeling

A rather painful method. Phenol penetrates deeper than acids. Advantage: one session is enough. Cons: 2 weeks of rehab, high chance of hyperpigmentation.

To remove deep scars

Laser resurfacing

One of the most popular and effective methods. The laser literally burns damaged tissue, providing skin regeneration. Done under anesthesia. Advantage: lasting result. Cons: 2 weeks of rehabilitation, course of treatment – several months.

Suitable for old and deep scars

Microperforation (photothermolysis)

Innovative technology in the form of a laser beam of many microbeams. Advantages: the widest range of problems to be solved, only a few days of rehabilitation.

Suitable for removing not only scars and scars of any age, but also age spots, combating enlarged pores

Please note that the methods listed above are not suitable for working on keloid scars due to the high risk of subsequent growth of scar tissue.

Injection techniques:

  1. Mesotherapy

Injections with a mixture of drugs tailored to the needs of the skin. Such "cocktails", injected subcutaneously, fill the tissues of the problem area, reducing the visibility of atrophic scars. For keloid scars, corticosteroid injections are used.

Plus: fast recovery.

Cons: unstable result (for half a year).

  1. Fillers

Sunken scars and scars can be filled with fillers (intradermal fillers) – hyaluronic acid, collagen or own fat cells.

Plus: stimulation of healthy tissue production to tighten scarred areas.

Minus: unstable result.

  1. Ozone Therapy

Medical ozone is injected under the skin.

Benefits: heals wounds, reduces inflammation.

Cons: long course, unstable results.

As you can see, each method has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is up to a professional cosmetologist or doctor to determine which treatment method is best for you.

If the scars and scars are deep or old (or were obtained as a result of serious injuries or health problems), then it is better not to self-medicate at home, but to turn to professionals. Modern cosmetologists can offer many options for removing scars and scars of different depths.

Remember: it is always better to prevent scars and scars on the face than to treat them later. So take good care of your skin. If she is prone to inflammation and rashes, use medicinal cosmetics, visit a beautician, adjust the diet, which also affects the condition of the skin. Do not squeeze blackheads or pimples, try not to touch your face with your hands. Use sunscreen, as tanned skin will show scarring even more. Well, if the problem has already appeared, do not hesitate to visit a specialist!

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