If you feel that the process of creating something more significant and interesting could give you much more pleasure than your current activity, which brings you absolutely no moral satisfaction, estet-portal will tell you how to radically change your life and, finally find your calling.

Wise Confucius said: "Find a job you like, then you won't have to work a single day in your life." However, often this search is delayed indefinitely, a person decides to accept, gives up and stops searching for his vocation, being content with not particularly beloved, but at least some kind of work. And only after many years you can realize what occupation should have been devoted to all this time, which now seems to be wasted. If you feel that the process of creating something more significant and interesting could give you much more pleasure than your current activity, which brings you absolutely no moral satisfaction, estet-portal will tell you how to radically change your life and, finally, find his calling.

After a person finds his true calling, his passion, obsession, what makes him burn, life is divided into "before" and "after". It is the hobby that makes people create incredible, ingenious things.

That is why Van Gogh woke up every day at 5 am and began to paint a picture, which was completed by the evening. Thanks to such enthusiasm, over a short creative life, the artist created more than 800 paintings and 700 drawings.

The literary heritage of Leo Tolstoy includes 270 works. Mozart managed to create music wherever he was, even at a noisy party, writing down his creations on paper napkins. Just imagine, we could never enjoy the works of such great composers, artists and writers if they chose the path of "engineer".

What if while you are killing time as an accountant, cashier or manager, Van Gogh, Erich Maria Remarque or Coco Chanel dies in you?

Step #1. Find activities that bring you pleasure

Before you find your calling, take some time to consider what activities you really enjoy. After brainstorming is over, put your findings on paper by making a list of 30 fun activities. If you get stuck trying to find such activities, the following questions can help:
1) What did you enjoy doing as a child and teenager? 9 hours in the office from 10 to 19, so he has a lot of time to do what he really likes. Try to remember how you spent your time when you were a child – they drew for days on end, sculpted from plasticine, sewed dresses for dolls. If something specific cannot be remembered, involve relatives in the process who will definitely be able to tell a couple of funny stories.
2) what can you not do? decor in an apartment or are fond of watching movies and can spend hours discussing the watched tape with friends. It's time to think about how you can turn something without which you cannot imagine a day into a profession.
3) What would you like to learn?
If you have difficulty with the two previous questions – try to think carefully about it. So, make 5 points, each of which will be what you would like to learn someday. The next step – select training courses. Drive away thoughts a la “I can’t learn anything”, “what if this is a mistake?” and "what am I going to do with it then?". And what will you do when you realize that you have not been able to find a job you like and have been doing an unloved thing for 60 years?
4) what do you categorically dislike doing? very important because you don't have to break yourself for the sake of work. Your task – find a calling, given their unique qualities and character traits. xxxx>
This list is also very important because you don't have to break yourself for the sake of work. Your task – find a calling, given their unique qualities and character traits.
xxxx>This list is also very important because you don't have to break yourself for the sake of work. Your task – find a calling, given their unique qualities and character traits.
Step #2. Decide what you are good at

Your task – find what you can do better than others, or at least not worse than others. Here you will need a support group consisting of family and friends who need to be asked (or forced) to name 5 different cases that you are doing "excellently".

Step #3. Find your area of ​​interest

What granite of science do you gnaw at with regular intervals? Perhaps you never part with specialized literature, or do you always have a couple of interesting magazines in your bag? Or every weekend, instead of going to a bar with friends, do you choose a quiet evening at home watching movies from the 50s? Observe yourself for a week and highlight the sources of information that you use regularly.

Step #4. Eliminate the influence of the monetary factor

Maybe money can be a motivation, but not for long, because work should be fun. If a person is engaged in a business that he is absolutely not interested in, no amount of money can save him from a decline in productivity and depression. Now you will again need a notebook and a pen to write down what you would do if you had enough money.

Naturally, every person at least a couple of times dreamed of untold wealth and imagined servants running around him, and he, quite lounging on the sofa, enjoying his position. Rest is great, but sooner or later you will get tired of it, and boredom will force you to find something to do. So imagine what you would do in the absence of the need to think about how to earn money for a new sofa or car. Write down at least 10 activities of your carefree life.

Step #5. Summing up and choosing possible calling options

If after all the previous steps you don't have a pile of scribbled paper – go back to stage number 1, because in this case it is pointless to move on. Your next task is to give shape to your desires, to understand which area suits you best. After you decide on the area, make a list of professions. For example, if you have a passion for writing, you can be a journalist, blogger, copywriter, screenwriter.

Step #6. Feel the profession

In order to understand "mine" or "not mine" you need to try. All that is required of you – immerse yourself at least once in your supposed calling. Know, work and dream about calling – they are different things. Find a job that you love and that really makes you feel good – here is your goal.

Step #7. Show off your creativity

Show everyone what you have created by sharing it on social media. There is no need to be modest here, but it is also not worth talking too much about the talent suddenly discovered in you.

kak-najti-rabotu-po-dushe-8-etapov-dlya-poiska-svoego-prizvaniyaStep #8. Dealing with objections

At this stage, you need to work with the inhibitory mechanisms and objections.

"You can't make money off of this." If someone in the world is making money on this, then why can't you?

"I don't have the necessary skills and education." Today there are a lot of different courses in which you can be taught anything, this is not a problem at all.

"I'm scared to start all over again." It is time to take out that same notepad on duty again and divide the sheet of paper into two columns. It's time to describe your future in 50 years. On the left, describe how you see your future if you still don’t decide to change anything, and on the right – what your life will be like if you find a job according to your calling. After that, compare the two options and decide which future you like best.

"At my age, it's too late to change anything." Did you know that Van Gogh decided to attend painting classes only at the age of 27, and Christian Dior began working as a designer only at 42? This proves that the age of – not an obstacle.

Now that you know how to find your calling, you just have to be patient and diligent, because only in this way will your life become better.

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