Everyone knows that food should be eaten in moderation. And it's not just that an excessive love of food can affect the appearance. Stomach discomfort, bloating, nausea, and even vomiting and diarrhea – unpleasant consequences of overeating, but this is only part of the problems that lovers of too much food can face.
In the case of eating an excessive amount of food, an overload of the body occurs, which entails problems with the digestive system. In addition, the consequence of overeating can be a decrease in the body's resistance, as a result of which it becomes more vulnerable to a variety of bacteria and viruses.
If you don't feel too bad and only have nausea, or if you feel better after diarrhea or vomiting, experts advise eating the following for the next four days after overeating:
Day 1. Try to go without food for one day. Drink only water or some juices. However, fasting is not for everyone. If your health condition does not allow you to eat nothing during the day, you need to consult a doctor.
Day 2. On the second day, your diet should consist only of liquid foods. It is allowed to use cereals or mashed potatoes, but again – all dishes should be of such a consistency that they can be eaten without chewing. This consistency will be easiest to achieve using a blender.
Day 3. On the third day, only lunches can be left liquid.
Day 4. If you feel well enough by this time, you can return to your usual diet. However, remember to eat in moderation.
By following these recommendations, it is possible to neutralize not only the consequences of overeating, but other digestive disorders.
If the condition does not improve, and vomiting and diarrhea continue, you should stop self-medication and seek medical help immediately.
Source estet-portal.com
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