More and more information is emerging about the importance of the functioning of the intestine and its inhabited microflora. How rich the world of microorganisms in the intestines and which bacteria are more, depends on well-being, performance, development or blocking of many diseases, and even mental abilities and emotional health. The direct link between bowel function and weight gain or loss has long been established. Today, scientists say that the sphere of activity and influence of intestinal microorganisms is richer than one can imagine. There is a close relationship between immunity, the nervous system and the intestinal microflora, and the last component is decisive. Let's look at how normalization of the intestinal microflora can solve many health problems, and what intestinal bacteria are responsible for.
Functions of the intestinal microflora
From the total weight of a person 3-4 kg – is the weight of bacteria saturating the intestines. In the intestines, there can be about 10 thousand species of bacteria that direct their action both for the benefit of the body and for harm.
Without bacteria there is no immunity
The human immune system exists to protect the body from pathogenic bacteria or viruses. Immune cells are distributed throughout the body, but most of them – 80% – concentrated in the intestines. And not in vain, because everything we eat or drink affects our well-being and, along with useful components, harmful substances also enter. The task of beneficial bacteria in the intestines – prevent pathogenic microbes from reaching the intestinal walls and create a protective barrier that will not allow pathogens to take root and multiply in the body. Thus, beneficial gut microflora stimulates the immune system to elicit an immune response. In the intestine, there is a "training" of protective cells of T-lymphocytes, which at the initial stage of their development are naive T-cells, no memory of antigens. And upon contact with the antigen, they accumulate all the information about it for the subsequent immune response.
Read also: The composition of the intestinal microflora: how microorganisms affect obesity
Bacteria ensure nutrient absorption
The normalization of the intestinal microflora is a balance between "good" and "bad" bacteria. If this balance is normal, nutrients, vitamins and minerals are absorbed into the intestinal wall and sent throughout the body. With an imbalance of bacteria in the intestine, the process of digestion of food is disturbed, useful substances are not absorbed, but are excreted without reaching their destination. When the body does not receive all the substances necessary for life, the pathogenic environment becomes ideal for the reproduction of pathogens and many ailments arise, which are then very difficult to cure.
Microflora and metabolism
The regulation of metabolism occurs in the intestines. Normalization of the intestinal microflora ensures the restoration of metabolism. If the microflora is disturbed and pathogenic bacteria increase, a metabolic disorder occurs, which provokes weight gain and the development of many diseases. In case of severe weight loss or weight gain, you should consult a gastroenterologist and undergo an appropriate examination of the gastrointestinal tract.
Bad microflora in the intestine provokes apathy and depression
Bacteria in the gut can not only support immunity or ensure the digestion of food, but are also associated with mental and emotional state. Depression or fatigue, apathy can be the result of the predominance of harmful bacteria in the intestines. The sphere of influence of intestinal bacteria is not limited here either, the work of the brain also depends on the microflora. Bacteria produce special substances that enter the brain through the vagus nerve or the endocrine system and affect performance and mental activity.
When studying the effect of intestinal microflora on the entire body, it was found that intestinal bacteria are able to regulate the production of serotonin – happiness hormone. Therefore, while taking antibiotics, in addition to disorder in the intestines, there is also a violation of the brain. Be sure to take additional probiotics along with antibiotics or during strict diets, fasting to normalize the intestinal microflora.
Normalization of intestinal microflora – guarantee of excellent well-being and health
Watch your diet so as not to restore the intestinal microflora, but to maintain it in normal working capacity. Proper and balanced nutrition can solve many problems: overweight, feeling unwell, decreased performance, constant colds, decreased mental activity, and others. Fermented milk products contain many beneficial bacteria necessary to maintain the balance of microorganisms in the intestine.
If it happens that the work of the intestine is disturbed and there are reasons to take probiotics, consult with a specialist which bacteria to choose. It should be understood that some bacteria are taken along with antibiotics, and in order to eliminate the consequences of stress or malnutrition – completely different.
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