Beauty and health

How to breathe properly while exercising

Many people breathe correctly in a state of absolute relaxation, that is, during sleep, it is then that breathing is controlled unconsciously. When a person is awake, his breathing tends to go astray, and sometimes linger, which provokes serious disorders in the brain and heart. With knowledge of how to breathe properly, it is possible not only to maintain your health, but also to prolong life. During training, it is very important to breathe correctly, because it is breathing that guarantees the effectiveness of classes –  muscles have the opportunity to recover faster, and you, accordingly, get tired more slowly. Find out in the article how to breathe properly during training.

All about proper breathing during sports

If you are constantly out of breath during your runs, unable to swim 50 meters, the problem may not be preparation at all. In fact, the effectiveness of workouts directly depends on proper breathing, which underlies all physical activity. When choosing a breathing technique, one should build on the type of training, because there are stretching exercises, strength exercises, cardio training, and swimming. In the following, we dwell on each type of exercise separately to talk in detail about how to breathe properly during sports.

How to breathe properly during cardio

Sprinters' breath – frequent and deep, but if you intend to cover a kilometer – better to breathe deeply. When you feel your breathing quicken, slow down. The emphasis should be on a full exhalation, followed by a deep breath. Professional sprinters take a few deep breaths before races.

As for other cardio loads, there are no ideal breathing formulas for them, so experts advise you to breathe as you feel comfortable. Remember, if during workout you start to choke – the lesson is too difficult for you and it is better to interrupt it.

How to breathe properly during strength training

Basic rule – make an effort to exhale. This rule can be circumvented only by experienced athletes who have been doing fitness for more than 5-7 years. For example, complex coordination movements are performed with bated breath. If, during the exercise, the bar is placed not on the floor, but on the ball, it is rather problematic to maintain balance in this position. In this position, they linger for only 10-15 minutes, and if you don’t breathe during this time – it is easier to do. After such exercises, you should definitely "breathe": just walk around the treadmill for a couple of minutes.

How to breathe properly during flexibility exercises

When performing stretching exercises, breathing should be as even, deep and calm as possible. This breathing will help you relax and focus. Since muscle fibers stretch precisely at the moment of relaxation, it is important to always monitor your breathing, do not hold it, because this can provoke tension. You need to try to breathe with your stomach, such breathing will increase blood circulation in the muscles.

If you are doing forward bends, inhale when your torso is straight and exhale – when leaning forward.

How to breathe properly while swimming

Probably the main difficulty faced by novice swimmers – it is the need to exhale into the water. At first, this action is so unpleasant that  a person begins to panic and completely holds his breath, instead of releasing bubbles into the water with his mouth and nose. You ask, why exhale into the water at all, if you can perfectly keep your head above the water? In fact, if you do not release air into the water, you will not swim far and will feel tired after 20-30 meters. Also, if you neglect the rules of proper breathing while swimming, you can harm the muscles of the back and neck, which in this case are in constant tension.

 When swimming, you should inhale quickly through your mouth so that your lungs are completely filled with air. Exhale long through the mouth and nose – this will help get rid of the water trapped in the nostrils.

Learning to breathe properly during class can be quite difficult, and at first the constant focus on breathing can be confusing and angry. However, when you first overcome the distance without interruptions, the realization will come that all efforts – not in vain.

  • Comments (1)

    01 августа 2015, 21:00

    "В такой позиции задерживаются всего на 10-15 минут и если на протяжении этого времени не дышать – оно выполняется проще."<br /><br />Не дышать 15 минут????

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