Going to the doctor – This is always a big stress for the patient. A person is afraid of the unknown, worries about what their symptoms mean and what treatment the doctor will recommend. Most people prefer to avoid hospitalization whenever possible and to be treated at home. A prescription from a doctor, a trip to the pharmacy – and the home arsenal to fight the disease is ready. But in some cases, it is impossible to cure the disease without important medical manipulations, for example, without intramuscular injections. How to properly inject at home and not harm – read on estet-portal.com.

Injection technique at home

Intramuscular injection – this is the introduction of a medicinal substance into muscle tissue, mainly in the buttock. Intramuscular administration of drugs is a fairly simple and fast way to deliver drugs to the body. It is this manipulation that is one of the basic skills that every doctor should ideally possess. But it is not always possible to call a doctor or nurse for an intramuscular injection.

After carefully studying the issue, overcoming fear and practicing several times, absolutely everyone will be able to learn how to give injections at home.

Injection at home:

  • how to prepare for an intramuscular injection;
  • step-by-step instructions on how to make an injection at home;
  • how to avoid possible complications of an injection at home.

How to prepare for an intramuscular injection

kak-pravilno-sdelat-ukol-v-domashnikh-usloviyakh-poshagovaya-instruktsiyaIn manipulation rooms, the nurse usually invites the patient to lie down on the couch and expose the buttock, while she herself prepares for the injection. Before you make an injection at home, you need to properly prepare for the procedure. First of all, you need to wash your hands well with soap and put on sterile gloves. On the ampoule with the medicine, it is necessary to check the expiration date, since expired drugs are strictly forbidden to use. First you need to prepare several cotton balls or discs, then one of them needs to be moistened with 96% alcohol and wipe the ampoule. After that, the tip of the ampoule is filed and carefully broken off. A needle is put on the syringe, the cap is removed and the required amount of medicine is carefully taken. To do this, the needle must be dipped into the ampoule, and gently pull the plunger of the syringe towards you. In order to get rid of air bubbles, you need to tap the syringe several times with your fingernail and then slowly press the plunger until a drop of medicine appears on the needle section.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an injection at home

Injection at home should be performed as follows:

  • the patient is placed on a comfortable surface on the side or on the stomach;
  • we choose the place for the injection as follows: we conditionally divide the right or left buttock with two lines into four equal parts. Upper outer quadrant – this is the "point on the priest" where the injection is made;
  • another cotton swab should be soaked in alcohol and wipe the injection site with it;
  • we take the syringe in one hand so that the thumb can press on the piston, and the little finger – gently hold the cannula of the needle;
  • stretch the skin at the injection site with the other hand and then carefully and slowly insert the needle;
  • WARNING! The needle should enter the skin strictly at a right angle and only at ¾ its length, otherwise it may break and the patient will need the help of a surgeon to remove it!
  • slowly pressing the plunger, we inject the medicine into the muscle, trying to avoid at the end of the procedure the introduction of air bubbles remaining in the syringe;
  • carefully remove the needle and immediately apply another cotton swab pre-moistened with alcohol to the injection site. After that, the "victim" the muscle can be gently massaged.

How to avoid possible injection complications at home

If the injection is performed incorrectly at home, the patient may experience various complications. If the patient needs to make several injections – the medicine must be alternately injected into different buttocks, otherwise an infiltrate may occur in the area of ​​repeated administration of the drug. Abscess and necrosis are inflammatory processes that occur when aseptic and antiseptic rules are not followed, so gloves and cotton wool with alcohol should not be neglected. Needle breakage can occur if the injection is not done carefully or if you try to insert the needle into an area that is too tight. Attempting to remove the needle on your own may result in even deeper displacement of the needle in the tissues of the buttock, so you need to urgently seek qualified medical help.

Remember that only by carefully studying the injection technique, properly preparing for it and correctly and carefully fulfilling all the conditions, you can safely and effectively inject at home!

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