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Black dots are a real problem for many women. What kind of means do not go into the course: store formulations, home scrubs, mechanical removal with your own hands or with the help of a beautician. Why do black dots appear, how to deal with them, what measures to take for prevention? If you desperate to solve this problem, then we advise you to read the article and to learn about hows to fight and the causes of black dots.

Where do blackheads come from: causes of a skin problem

Our skin is covered with pores that secrete a special sebum to protect and moisturize. Without this "fat" layer we would have to be very tight, attempts to get rid of it lead to disastrous consequences, which we will tell later.

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On the body and face there are areas in in which secretion is increased: nose, forehead, chin, back and neck. Normal secretion encounters  clogging: pores "clogged" dirt, dust and dead skin. Thus, black dots appear. This is why daily skin cleansing is so important. However, not all cleansing will solve the problem, some approaches may even make the situation worse.

In addition to the banal dirt on face and body, appearance of blackheads has several external and internal factors. Here are some of them:

  • Hormonal failure.Adolescents often suffer from acne and blackheads during puberty, women during pregnancy and menopause, and also before and during menstruation . Even a small hormonal surge can significantly affect skin put you at risk of unpleasant rashes.

  • Smoking. In addition to other harmful elements of this habit, it is also dangerous for the skin. Cigarette smoke often triggers inflammatory processes, can become an impetus for the reproduction of black spots and acne.

  • Poor cleansing. We have already raised the topic of skin pollution, let stop on it again. Proper cleansing is very important if you want to get rid of blackheads permanently or prevent their appearance. This is especially important if you live in a big city with not the most favorable environment. It is advisable to always wash your face after returning from the street, so as not to wear traces of exhaust gases on face.

  • Excessive touching. Infection and pollution are perfectly transmitted if you often touch the skin of the face with your hands. We have a lot of bacteria on our hands, we constantly touch common objects. If you constantly transfer all this baggage to face, then skin problems are guaranteed.

  • Too much cleansing. Yes, too much cleaning is also dangerous. In & nbsp; the desire to completely "degrease" skin, some women wash 5-6 times a day, often wipe their face with tonics with alcohol. As a result, they simply destroy the protective layer of the skin, disrupting its normal activity. What does this lead to? The sebaceous glands begin to protect the skin even more actively, since you left it with your own hands one on one with bacteria. In this case, the woman cannot understand what the problem — she uses a lot of products and constantly cleans her face, but the effect is the opposite.

  • Scrub Abuse. Often those who want to get rid of blackheads begin to abuse scrubbing. This leads to a similar effect as over-cleansing the face. It is important that the scrub be gentle, otherwise the skin will be injured and this will open the way for infection. Keep the scrub in moderation, frequent use will not give a good result.


How to remove blackheads: ways to get rid of

You can cope with  black spots with the help of both home care and cosmetic procedures in the office of a professional. An excellent effect is the combination of all these manipulations and the balance between them. Here are a few things you can do to get rid of blackheads for good:

  • Mechanical removal. It is recommended to go regularly for cleaning to beautician, who will squeeze out your blackheads. This is the fastest way to cleanse your face. However, its effect is short-lived. If you cleanse your skin incorrectly or lead an unhealthy lifestyle, blackheads will return very quickly. Aboutit is worth noting separately that it is strongly not recommended to remove blackheads yourself. In this case, the risk of infection is too high. The process should be as sterile as possible, performed only by a professional. Amateur cosmetologists who do not comply with sanitary standards in their offices can also cause severe damage to your beauty. Be careful.

  • Variety of beauty treatments. There are many effective in-office procedures to combat  blackheads: acid peeling, ultrasonic removal, vacuum cleaning, etc.  You should only use them after consulting a dermatologist, because you may have serious contraindications to such manipulations.

  • Scrubs and  masks. The cosmetics market offers a lot of options for those who want to deal with black spots. Effective masks and scrubs can be prepared at home. Depending on the components, these products will either help you make blackheads less visible or make them easier to remove.

  • A comprehensive lifestyle change. The most drastic method of dealing with black dots. For those who are really tired of this problem and willing to sacrifice bad habits, extra time and money. From now on, your daily schedule should include mandatory cleansing measures, a trip to a beautician, homemade masks and scrubs. The whole set of measures should become your way of life, and not what you do only periodically. And then the skin will be grateful and clear.

Measures to prevent blackheads

If you cleared your skin from blackheads or if you haven appeared yet, we advise you to use our tips for prevention:

  1. Pay special attention to removing make-up.Especially if you use waterproof products. Leftover foundation, for example, can really clog your pores and lead to skin problems.

  2. Stay away soap and alcohol. It seems that such "vigorous" cleaning methods are very effective. Like, the drier the skin after, the better it cleared. In fact, if you dry out your skin after cleansing, it tends to compensate for this condition by releasing additional sebum.

  3. Make sure cosmetics and care products are suitable for your skin type.Find out your skin type and buy all creams and tonics that appropriately labeled.

  4. Rinse your face with cold water. After washing your face or taking a hot shower, lower the temperature and rinse a little with cool water. Under its influence, the pores narrow, which means that the risk of their blockage is lower.

  5. Don touch your face with your hands. Or do it only after washing your hands. It is better to scratch or wipe the skin with a clean disposable cloth.

If you follow all of the above recommendations, then your skin will be grateful to you. Change your lifestyle, find a place in it for proper cleansing and care of the skin of the face and body, then you can get rid of black spots forever.

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