Регенерация кожного покрова: как восстановить кожу после прыщей

In the human body, all tissues are capable of self-healing, but with different strength and speed. The skin, being the largest organ in the body, has an increased regenerative potential and has a large number of cells that provide enhanced tissue repair.

Aesthetic medicine is closely studying how to restore the skin, increase its resistance and how to accelerate the regeneration of the skin. There are many products and cosmetic procedures that accelerate the regenerative capabilities of the skin. Let's consider what physiological regeneration is, how to restore the skin after damage, and also what means can be used to speed up the recovery process.

What is regeneration, features of physiological recovery and healing of the skin

Regeneration is the self-renewal of cells and tissues in the body. When cells go their way from birth and a certain number of divisions, they die off, and a new colony of cells is born in their place. The human body is completely renewed in 7 years.

Every day a person loses more than 10 billion cells, which are replaced by new ones. Scientists have calculated that about 18 kg of skin, along with the keratinized layer of cells, is exfoliated from the body during a lifetime.

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What is skin regeneration? Along with the stratum corneum, bacteria that attack a person during life, as well as dust, sweat, microbes, are exfoliated. Thus, the skin prevents pathogenic microorganisms that are on the surface from entering the body.

The younger the skin and the healthier the body, the faster cell regeneration occurs. Old dead tissues are sloughed off while wearing clothes, taking a shower, while sleeping. This is called physiological generation. With age-related changes in the body, skin renewal also slows down, regeneration time increases, wrinkles and other indicators appear on the surface of the epidermis (pigment spots, the skin pattern changes). Time for complete skin renewal at a young age  – maximum 28 days. After 25 years, this time increases to 45 days (up to 40 years) and 70 days (at 50 years).

In the process of life, physiological renewal occurs on the skin, this process is constant and continuous. But we should not forget about another, no less important point in the matter of renewal and regeneration: the restoration of the skin after damage. Pimples, burns, foci of inflammation, abscesses, small wounds – these processes damage the skin, and in order for the cover to be restored, the epidermis heals.

Even in a seemingly healthy body, the healing process can be slowed down. The speed of recovery processes in the skin is influenced by various factors that should be taken into account when choosing means to accelerate regeneration.


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Factors affecting the deterioration of skin regeneration:

  • Excessive physical or mental stress takes a lot of energy, which invariably leads to a weakening of the body.
  • Weakening of immunity due to many causes, especially after an illness.
  • Violation of the diet – the predominance of harmful products and the limitation of substances useful and necessary for recovery processes pull the balance towards a lack of vitamins and microelements. Thus, there is no building material for replacing old tissues with new ones, and aging prevails over rejuvenation.
  • Stress and depression also have a negative effect on healing, recovery, as well as diseases.

How to restore the skin: products that accelerate regeneration

It is always necessary to maintain balance of vitamins and microelements in the body so that the process of cell regeneration does not stop. In addition to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, skin care cosmetics and other drugs that provide a healing effect also affect the rate of renewal. Consider the fixed assets that accelerate regeneration.

Means to accelerate regeneration and healing

  1. Dexpanthenol – Bepanthen

Bepanthen cream or ointment is even used to moisturize the skin of babies. By its properties, it prevents strong peeling and soothes the skin during irritation. It also relieves itching associated with dryness and flaking.

The component deskpanthenol greatly softens the skin, so if your skin is not too dry, but peeling is observed in some places, use it pointwise. Softened areas will go through the process of exfoliation faster, thereby accelerating the reproduction of healthy skin cells. In addition to Bepanthen, you can use any products that include this substance: Panthenol spray, D-panthenol cream.


  1. Badyaga

Cosmetic product based on badyagi (cream, mask) acts as absorbable after the formation of hematomas. It is also able to activate tissue stratification during renewal, accelerating regeneration. Badyaga promotes the activation of substances: histamine, kinin, autacoids, prostaglandins – they are essential for wound healing. Badyaga should be used for bruises, to restore the natural protective barrier of the skin, resorption of scars. It is not recommended to use badyaga for rosacea and inflammatory processes on the skin.

  1. Actovegin

Animal product saturates the skin with oxygen, accelerates regeneration. Due to the fact that the speed of blood flow increases, wounds heal faster and the skin is restored. Helps restore normal pH levels, accelerates blood circulation in tissues. It can be used in the form of a gel or cream.

  1. Sea buckthorn oil

Stimulating the regenerative capabilities of the skin, the agent has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. But, before using it, you should make sure that you are not allergic to it.

Sea buckthorn oil contains fat-soluble bioantioxidants that protect cell membranes from damage. The oil penetrates deep into the epidermis, saturates and nourishes it with useful substances.

  1. Aekol

A preparation containing vitamins necessary for the normal restoration of the skin. The composition includes: Retinol, Vitamin E, Menadione, and Betacarotene. It has: anti-burn, multivitamin, metabolic effect (establishes metabolic processes in tissues).

  1. Jojoba oil

Liquid wax contains an abundance of vitamin E, which is essential for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Jojoba oil is deeply absorbed into the skin, increases protective properties and accelerates regeneration. It has many benefits and can only have a positive effect on the skin with long-term use.

  1. Essential oils

Only essential oil that is 100% natural and does not contain auxiliary stabilizing components can have a beneficial effect on the skin. Therefore, the cost of such oils will be high, although the effect can be truly miraculous: wound healing, nourishing, metabolic. Choose the essential oil that suits you and don't use these products too often. To speed up skin healing, you can mix tea tree oil (this is one of the inexpensive ones) with jojoba oil (1: 1) and apply to the skin. Use this mixture once a week (maximum twice) and no more.

  1. Aloe

Aloe vera juice has so many benefits that it should be put in the first place. An anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent is a stimulator of regenerative processes in tissues, has antimutagenic activity. Read more about the properties of this plant in the article: Plant of Immortality – incredible properties of the green healer

The above remedies will quite successfully cope with the task of restoring the skin and healing wounds. How to restore the skin in your particular case, which of these products to use, decide for yourself or with the help of a beautician. But, be careful, check any of the drugs first for allergies, so as not to worsen the situation.

Also, experts do not recommend using any regenerating agents without a real need. Applying stimulants to clean and undamaged skin will make it dependent on them, and when help is really needed, these drugs will be powerless. The skin will simply get used to the action and will not get the desired effect of healing and recovery.

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