Как возникают психосоматические расстройства и как их избежать

Probably everyone has heard about the connection between mental and physical health. However, few people take psychosomatic disorders seriously, considering them to be a far-fetched problem and an attempt by doctors to shift the responsibility for the disease onto the patient himself. But many diseases have a psychosomatic nature. They occur as a reaction to mental health problems. And if he is not given due attention, then no pills will help to recover.

How do psychosomatic disorders occur? What causes this process to start and can it be prevented? Estet-portal.com will tell about this!

Psychosomatic disorders: causes

How can psychological experiences, our emotions and feelings affect the body so much that it gets sick? If you are not familiar with this topic, then the process seems unrealistic. However, for psychologists and doctors, a similar phenomenon – routine. They also singled out a number of reasons due to which psychosomatic disorders occura:

1. Emotional stress and chronic stress. This is one of the most common reasons people get sick. Stress depletes the body, because it brings the body and mind into a state of "combat readiness"; – it works to its limits. This cannot happen all the time, because the reaction to stress was envisaged by nature as short-term. And if you are in this mode very often or constantly – the body has no choice but to get sick just to rest.

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2. Prolonged negative emotions – they also negatively affect the body, like chronic stress. Each emotion triggers certain reactions not only of the psyche, but also of the body. This is an acceleration of the heartbeat, and pressure surges, increased breathing, etc. And if this happens often or constantly, then the organs also wear out, their condition changes, which leads to a certain disease.

3. Unreacted and unprocessed emotions – that is, those to whom we did not give an outlet to the outside, for example, not allowing ourselves to cry or express to a certain person what we feel for him. Long-term containment of anger, discontent, aggression and other negative states eventually results in psychosomatic diseases. Any emotion – it is an energy that needs to be released. If this does not happen, it turns into a destructive force. For example, undeveloped aggression turns into auto-aggression – and a peptic ulcer occurs: the body, as it were, destroys itself.

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4. Conditional benefit or use of the disease to solve psychological problems. In this case, the real disease is beneficial to the person to a certain extent. The simplest – when a child falls ill to avoid going to school due to problems with studies or communication, fear of public speaking, etc. For an adult, illness can be an excuse for their own inaction or an opportunity to get what they need from loved ones.

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For any of these reasons, not only doctors, but also psychologists should be involved in treatment. If you do not remove the cause, then its consequence – that is, disease, – cannot be cured. It will turn into a chronic one and will literally accompany a person's life.

Psychosomatic disorders: what diseases are they

Doctors have long compiled a list of diseases that occur as a psychosomatic disorder – the organism "goes into illness" to avoid a certain psychological problem.

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Read also: Psychosomatic illnesses: how our thinking affects the body

The list looks like this:

• arterial hypertension;

• stomach ulcer;

• duodenal ulcer;

• ulcerative colitis;

• cardiac ischemia;

• thyrotoxicosis;

• rheumatoid arthritis;

• neurodermatitis;

• type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent);

• bronchial asthma.

My default imageIt is these diseases that are often unsuccessfully treated for years, using various drugs and techniques. But the result does not change, the patient continues to suffer from the disease, along the way reproaching doctors who cannot cure him. However, at the same time, a person is in no hurry to turn to a psychologist – because the problem, as it seems to him, lies in the field of medicine of the body. Psychosomatics is often not taken


Psychosomatic disorders: who is at risk

How to understand that you or your loved ones are in the so-called risk group

for psychosomatic diseases? First of all, they are subject to people who are not used to pronouncing their emotions, lead a secretive lifestyle, from which literally "you can't get a word out." They experience all the emotions within themselves without letting them out. And this threatens with excessive overstrain and the corresponding reaction of the body. The first manifestations of psychosomatics in a person can be observed starting from adolescence, and sometimes – and from early childhood. At this age, the psyche is not yet able to cope with stress so that it does not affect the body. And some children have psychosomatic disorders as a reaction to problems at school or at home. Often this spills over into adulthood.

At risk are
people who abuse alcohol. Often behind this is dissatisfaction with oneself, associated with the fact that a person sets the bar too high for himself and cannot achieve it. Result – «fills» alcohol problem. It is impossible to cure such a patient from alcoholism until he undergoes a course of psychotherapy and regains faith in himself.
alcohol problem. It is impossible to cure such a patient from alcoholism until he undergoes a course of psychotherapy and regains faith in himself.

alcohol problem. It is impossible to cure such a patient from alcoholism until he undergoes a course of psychotherapy and regains faith in himself.

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If you notice that you get sick more often during moments of bad mood, then you are at risk. Under certain circumstances, the body can "go into disease," preventing you from solving real problems. That is, you are, as it were, unable to solve them due to illness – and everything fades into the background. Problems can appear in people with fear of the unknown – such a problem flows into anemia. ENT diseases can appear in a person with communication and communication problems. Women who have fear of the future and making responsible decisions may suffer from infertility. As you can see, almost any

psychological problem
associated with self-doubt and self-doubt,

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