Как выбрать адаптогены, исходя из вашей проблемы со здоровьем

Every day a person experiences a lot of stress that exhausts the body. It has been proven that chronic stress negatively affects not only well-being, but also worsens the condition of internal organs and body systems. As a result – a person becomes more susceptible to diseases, suffers from ailments more often, problems with skin, hair and nails are observed.

To help the body adapt to stress, increase its resistance will help adaptogens. Already by the name it can be understood that these substances increase the adaptability of the body and its individual systems to adverse external conditions.

estet-portal.com will tell how adaptogens work and how to choose the right one based on your health condition.

1. What are adaptogens and how do they work
2. How to choose adaptogens for specific problems
3. How to take adaptogens and are there any contraindications

What are adaptogens and how do they work

Adaptogenes are similar in their action to immunostimulants. But they affect not only the immune system, but increase the body's resistance to various types of stress. These can be chemicals, bacteria and viruses, physical activity (high temperatures, intense stress on the muscular system, etc.).

That is, our body receives an additional resource that will help it cope with stressful situations, recover faster and get used to the environment.

Adaptogens are of plant, animal or mineral origin. Synthetic substances and humic substances (minerals) are also isolated.

They work like this:

1. Increase the synthesis of protein and other components that help restore body tissues.

2. Stimulates an increase in ATP levels, which translates into more energy.

3. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve the supply of oxygen to the cells of the body.

4. Saturate with antioxidants, which slows down the aging process of cells, prevents their damage.

All together increases the physical and mental endurance of a person. That is why adaptogens are used not only to improve the overall health of the body, but to treat depression, apathy, burnout syndrome.

Adaptogens are also useful for sports. They improve neuromuscular communication, increase reaction speed and endurance.

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How to choose adaptogens for specific problems

It is important to choose the right adaptogens so that the substance can help you improve your health or solve a specific problem.

At the basis of each drug – active ingredient or more. It is it that will purposefully act on the source of problems, helping the body fight negative factors.

So, which adaptogens to choose when:

1. The presence of stress – basil, licorice root, radiola.

2. Hormonal imbalance – aloe, lemongrass, poppy.

3. Reduced immunity – chaga, eleutherococcus, ginseng.

4. Anxious or depressive conditions – lemongrass, leuzea, chokeberry.

5. Fatigue and weakness, professional burnout – maca, eleutherococcus and ginseng.

6. Brittle nails and falling hair – ashwagandha, basil and chaga.

Adaptogens should be taken against the background of a stable health of the body, when there is no deterioration in the condition.

They have proven themselves well in the process of rehabilitation after suffering stress, heavy loads or injuries. The adaptogen is not able to cure the disease. It only helps the body to better cope with external stress, increases the ability to recover.

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How to take adaptogens and are there any contraindications

In order for


to work on the body and bring benefits, it is important to take them correctly. So, the maximum duration of the course – 1-1.5 months. During this time, you need to take them without interruption, and then stop completely.

A long time will not benefit the body, because it will get used to the action of the substance. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the indications for a specific drug – they will be indicated on the packaging.

There are also contraindications for taking



Among them are:

• elevated body temperature;

• insomnia;

• period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;

• acute infectious diseases;

• high blood pressure.

You should also not give


to children. At a young age, they simply do not need them – yes, and the body can react to the substance with an allergy. And in adolescence, you need to do this carefully – at the suggestion of the attending physician, who is aware of the peculiarities of the health of your child.

The best effect of taking adaptogens is achieved when they are taken twice a day. Mandatory condition – drink plenty of water so that the substance is absorbed.


– these are preparations of natural or synthetic origin that help the body to better endure various stresses, recover faster after illness or surgery. Unlike immunostimulants, these substances have a positive effect not only on the body's defenses. They also increase the level of ATP, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, increase protein synthesis, protect cells from the action of free radicals.

Depending on your problem, you can choose adaptogens by choosing the most appropriate from the group of substances. It is important to follow the rules from the reception, do not exceed the dosage and the recommended course.

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