Beauty and health

What yoga poses will help get rid of thyroid problems

Problems with the thyroid gland – one of the most widely used in the world. The symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, which mean underactive and overactive thyroid respectively, are not always clear-cut. That is why a person may not be aware of a violation of the function of the thyroid gland, but the body does not like this state of affairs – it starts to malfunction.

However, there are yoga poses that can normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. will tell you about postures that have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

The first thing to remember is – the diagnosis according to problems with a thyroid gland is put by the doctor. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. And to promote recovery, you may well do yoga, because yoga helps fight stress and other problems that can be one of the causes of thyroid dysfunction.

Possible symptoms of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid

It is worth noting that the symptoms of hypothyroidism develop rather slowly, they rarely alarm the patient, but the lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland in hypothyroidism leads to metabolic disorders, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the digestive tract, and the nervous system.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is time to get your thyroid checked:

  • decreased activity, loss of interest in what is happening, apathy;
  • You are doing the same work as before, but you are much more tired;
  • increased constipation;
  • sudden weight gain for no apparent reason;
  • frequent swelling of the face;
  • hair loss;
  • irregular menstrual cycle (in girls and women);
  • reduced potency and libido in men;
  • excessive growth of facial hair;
  • swollen throat.

Yoga poses that help with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

Remember that yoga does not replace medical treatment, but is an addition to it. Before doing any exercise, including yoga postures, you should definitely consult your doctor!

1. Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) – in case of thyroid problems, this pose is one of the best yoga asanas. It stimulates the thyroid gland through a pressure effect, in addition, it stimulates other head glands such as the pituitary gland and the pineal gland.


2.Inverted Pose (Viparita Karani).


3. Inverted tilt of the head to the knee (Janu shirshasana).


4. Fish pose (Matsyasana).


5. Plow Pose (Halasana).


6. Cat Pose (Marjariasana).


7. Salutation to the Sun (Surya Namaskar) – helps control weight.


In addition to these yoga poses, special breathing techniques – Pranayama, namely kapalabhati (radiant skull), nadi shodhana (alternate breathing), bhastrika and ujjayi help relieve the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Possible symptoms of hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland)

  • Changes in appetite: You either want to eat more than usual or eat less;
  • You are eating more than usual but not gaining weight;
  • You eat less than usual but gain weight;
  • You don't sleep well at night;
  • excessive sweating;
  • increased irritability;
  • an enlargement of the thyroid that can be seen or felt;
  • enlargement of the eyeballs;
  • tremor of fingers;
  • heat intolerance;
  • rapid heart rate;
  • high blood pressure;
  • constipation, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • menstrual disorders in women;
  • frequent thirst and urination.

Since the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, like those of hypothyroidism, may not cause concern to the patient, it is necessary to regularly check the condition of the thyroid gland and consult a doctor in a timely manner in case of the above symptoms.

Yoga poses that help in the treatment of hyperthyroidism

1. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana).


2. Cat Pose (Marjariasana).


3. Child's pose (Shishu asana/balansana).


4. Corpse Pose (Shavasana).


5. Salutation to the sun (Surya Namaskar).


As for pranayamas for hyperthyroidism, the following breathing techniques will be useful: ujjayi, bhramari, nadi shodhana, as well as calming pranayamas – sheetali pranayama and shitkari pranayama.

For both thyroid problems – hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism – meditation will have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Since one of the causes of thyroid dysfunction is stress, meditation is a great addition to traditional treatment for thyroid problems.

  • Comments (2)

    30 июля 2016, 05:39

    Здравствуйте! Подскажите пожалуйста сколько секунд находиться в данных позах? (Я обычно это делаю по 30сек каждую асану)

  • Comments (2)

    07 октября 2020, 21:26

    Отличная статья) спасибо)

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Yoga poses that help with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

There are yoga postures and breathing techniques that will help get rid of thyroid problems, namely, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism - the most common disorders of the function of this gland.

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