“How not to get better?” This question is asked less often than everyone else's exciting "How to lose weight without dieting / doing nothing / sitting on the couch / without denying yourself anything." The desire to lose weight, which begins to take hold of you when the arrow of the scale crosses the border of what is permitted, is quite normal and natural. However, experts in nutrition and preventive medicine emphasize the importance of the preventive aspect, as a person who wants to lose weight must first learn how not to gain weight.

Of course, it's easier to say that you need not to lose weight, but simply not to get better. However, there are many reasons why we gain weight: problems in our personal or work life, radical lifestyle changes, menopause in women, and andropause in men (unless hormonal imbalances are treated).

In order not to fall into the trap of excess weight, one should adhere to extremely simple rules known to many, however, despite this, not always followed rules.

How not to get better?

1. Daily weighing.

Weigh yourself every morning before eating or even drinking liquids to prevent even a couple of kilos from slipping into your body unnoticed. Any extra pounds must be shed. The advantage of morning weighing: people who regularly weigh themselves in the morning respond immediately to any weight changes.

2. Mirror test.

Before you get dressed, take a good look at yourself in the mirror and objectively evaluate your body, as if it were not yours. As a rule, women tend to criticize cellulite on their thighs, men – beer belly, etc. By the way, some experts use small doses of testosterone to get rid of cellulite.

3. View your photos.

If the mirror test is not enough for you, use your own photos in which you looked exactly the way you want to look now. Always carry with you (perhaps in your head or in your wallet) an imaginary or photographed ideal image that you want to achieve.

4. Have breakfast. And have a good breakfast!

Start your morning with a cup of hot coffee or tea – not really a good idea, since such drinks lead to stomach cramps. The first thing to do in the morning is to drink a glass of water, and then eat it with a serving of protein (ham, chicken breast, eggs, cheese, etc.) and a slice of whole grain bread. And only after that enjoy your tea, coffee or juice.

5. Don't skip lunch!

A very important point: be sure to set aside 20 minutes for lunch (that's how much the brain needs to realize that the body is full). If you skip this meal, during the next meal, your brain will tell your body to stock up on more calories, which is equivalent to extra pounds.

6. Nobody canceled the afternoon snack either.

Go back to your childhood and have an afternoon snack filled with energy from dark chocolate or vegetable juice, for example.

7. Get up and go!

There is no point in signing up for a gym if you are not going to visit it regularly. The best option would be a quick (and daily!) walk down the street and take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you find it difficult to overcome a long distance of stairs, say, to the 6th floor, start from the 1st floor and gradually increase the distance.

8. Dinner should be light.

Knowing this truth since childhood, when my mother said “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy”, for some reason we often gorge ourselves to satiety in the evening, when we can finally relax and go nowhere hurry or when the feeling of hunger reaches a critical level and we simply come to our senses too late after eating the long-awaited food.

9. Lose weight quickly in 18 hours.

After the holidays, accompanied by tables bursting with food, few people stay in shape and manage not to get better. You can eliminate the consequences of such feasts by adhering to the following diet for 18 hours: drink plenty of water, herbal tea and fresh vegetable juice (and that's it).

10. Sleep to your heart's content!

If you need 9 hours of sleep to function properly, that's how much you need to sleep! And remember that blue screens and the light they emit interfere with the production of the sleep hormone – melatonin, so turn off all gadgets at night. More than one study has already proven that poor sleep – a sure way to weight gain.

Be slim, beautiful and self-confident with Estet-portal.


Source: estet-portal.com.

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