Have you been working hard on adjusting your diet and choosing an exercise plan, and you managed to lose a certain amount of kilograms, which you were incredibly happy about, but now, for some unknown reason, the scale needle has stopped in place, despite a healthy diet and regular exercise? Most likely, you are faced with the effect of a plateau in losing weight. Slow down or even stop weight loss – quite normal, however, in order to move on, you need to know how to overcome this plateau and not nullify all your efforts. This is what estet-portal.com will tell in this article.

What is the weight loss plateau effect

During the first two weeks of losing weight, we are incredibly happy about the rapid weight loss. This is partly due to calorie reduction, whereby the body initially gets energy by releasing glycogen – polysaccharide, which is present in the muscles and liver. Glycogen is partly made up of water, so when it is burned for energy, water is excreted from the body, so at first kilograms leave in the form of water. However, this effect is temporary.

The plateau effect occurs when the number of calories consumed is equal to the number of calories burned.

When you lose weight, along with fat, part of the muscle mass also goes away. Muscles help maintain a high metabolic rate (i.e. metabolism or calorie burning). Therefore, as you lose weight, your metabolism slows down over time – and you burn fewer calories than before you lost a certain weight.


Read also: Why we gain weight: non-nutrition causes of weight gain and their symptoms

A slow metabolism slows down the process of losing weight, even if you consume the same amount of calories that allowed you to lose weight before. And so, when the number of calories you burn equals the number of calories you absorb, there is a plateau effect.

Then estet-portal.com will explain:

  • what needs to be done to overcome the weight loss plateau;
  • how to keep the plateau effect from leading you astray.

What needs to be done to overcome the weight loss plateau

From the very definition of the plateau effect above, it is logical to assume that for further weight loss you need to either increase physical activity or reduce the number of calories consumed. If you stick to the original plan, your weight will stay the same, but you won't be able to achieve great results.

If you are satisfied with the result that you have achieved before the plateau, you do not need to adjust your diet and physical activity plan – it is enough just to follow the already proven scheme.


If you want to keep losing weight, try the following tips to overcome weight loss plateaus:

  • Reassess your habits. Make sure you don't give yourself any indulgences: don't increase portions, don't be lazy to exercise, don't allow yourself unhealthy sweets and pastries. It is often these small weaknesses that cause plateaus to be reached.
  • Reduce your calorie intake by 200 (assuming you don't eat less than 1200 kcal per day).
  • Increase the intensity or duration of your workouts. Try adding strength exercises that are great for building muscle mass, which will allow you to burn more calories.
  • Make your day more active. Try to walk more, clean more often, ride a bike, play outdoor games with friends or children.

How do you keep the plateau effect from leading you astray?

If your efforts to overcome the plateau effect are unsuccessful, do not rush to give up. Consult your doctor: further weight loss may not be possible due to some hormonal changes in the body or diseases. It is possible that you have set a goal for yourself, which you simply will not be able to achieve the deadlines you need.

To overcome the plateau effect, in most cases it is enough to revise the diet and exercise plan.

Remember that by choosing the right diet and regular exercise, you have already brought a lot of benefits to your body. In addition, even a slight weight loss – this is already a success.

In any case, estet-portal.com is sure that you should not give up new good habits – this will lead to further weight gain, and you will have to start all over again. Maintain the result and enjoy good health and good health!

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