Лечение молочницы содой в домашних условиях

Thrush – this word scares many girls. After all, this is, in essence, a fungal infection, which is accompanied by itching, burning and curdled discharge with a sour smell in the genital area. In medicine, this phenomenon is called candidiasis. And it is no coincidence, since the causative agent of such a delicate disease are fungi of the genus Candida. These microorganisms are present in the human body in small quantities. But under certain circumstances, they can actively multiply, causing unpleasant symptoms. Often this happens with a decrease in immunity, taking contraceptives, eating a large amount of fast carbohydrates, or when personal hygiene is violated. It is quite possible to cure thrush at home. Of the many remedies, soda has proven itself well. Why exactly it and how to use it correctly? These questions will be answered by the online edition estet-portal.com.

Why baking soda is so effective in treating thrush

Soda is a white crystalline substance. This is a universal tool. It is used to make pancakes, clean dishes, and treat thrush. The effectiveness of soda is due to the fact that it has excellent antiseptic properties, due to which pathogens are destroyed.

Soda solution has an alkaline composition that is destructive to Candida fungi. This substance neutralizes excess acidity. But it is necessary for microorganisms for their reproduction.

A solution is made from soda at home. It is used in procedures such as douching and washing. They perfectly cleanse the vagina of curdled discharge, and also eliminate itching, burning and redness. But keep in mind that the results of the procedures are short-lived. To completely destroy the fungus, it is necessary to use other antifungal agents in addition to soda. And do not forget about the regularity of the implementation of all procedures. At the first relief, do not stop using the soda solution. After all, the fungus can spread to the inner layers of the mucous membrane and skin. The duration of treatment for thrush should be at least 2 weeks.

In neglected states thrush often becomes chronic. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately after the first signs of candidiasis. And it is advisable to visit a gynecologist. He carefully examines the patient and, based on the tests, will select the necessary drugs and the appropriate treatment option at home.

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Features of treating thrush with soda douching

Soda douching is considered the most common treatment for candidiasis. It is recommended by both professional doctors and traditional healers. This method perfectly flushes out the cheesy gruel from the vaginal cavity.

This procedure is carried out as follows:
•    First prepare the soda solution. For this, water is boiled and cooled to a warm state. Then 1 teaspoon of soda is dissolved in 0.5 liter of this liquid.
•    The finished soda solution is poured into the syringe. But before that, it is necessary to wipe it with alcohol or treat it with boiling water. This is a necessary event that will disinfect the instrument.
•    In a sitting position on the toilet with legs wide apart, a syringe tip is inserted into the vagina. Washing is carried out until the complete disappearance of curdled secretions.

This procedure should ideally be done every hour. But if this is not possible, then at least 2 times a day. It is important to alternate douching with washing. Doctors recommend douching for 3-7 days.

Frequent use of a syringe leads to the fact that the natural microflora of the mucous membrane is disturbed. Therefore, there is a risk of further spread of infection. Before deciding on such a procedure, consult a gynecologist regarding the number of procedures and the duration of treatment.
Before deciding to treat thrush at home, you need to know who douching is contraindicated.

This procedure should not be used if:•    pregnancy;
•    presence of inflammatory processes in the genital organs;
•    cervical erosion.

Doctors also forbid soda douching after surgery and childbirth. In the first case, complications may occur, and in the second – miscarriage. Here, the best option would be a soda


All you need to know about baking soda wash

This method is not as effective as douching. But still, it temporarily clears the vagina of an unpleasant mass and restores the acid-base balance, thus allowing other medicines to get rid of the symptoms of candidiasis.

Washing is very different from douching. Here the amount of soda in the water is already greater. In 1 liter of boiled liquid, 1 tablespoon of a crystalline substance is dissolved. But do not exaggerate the dosage. After all, a strong concentration dries out the mucous membrane, and also leads to irritation and allergic reactions.

You can also add a few drops of iodine to the finished product. A good alternative is also a decoction of chamomile, calendula or celandine. The container where the product will be located must be thoroughly disinfected. The same applies to the washing basin.

When treating thrush at home, it is necessary to temporarily abandon intimacy.
After everything is ready for the procedure, you need to sit in a basin with a solution for 20 minutes, after which you should dry yourself with a clean towel and treat the genitals with an antifungal cream or ointment. The solution cannot be used twice. For each new procedure, it is necessary to prepare a fresh remedy.

What to do if a child has thrush

Candidiasis can affect both women and men. And this infection is often observed in newborn babies. Their thrush is usually localized in the oral cavity. Infection often occurs at birth, when the child passes through the birth canal. Thrush is manifested by the presence of a whitish coating on the tongue, palate and inner walls of the cheeks. Also, the baby can be restless and whiny. He often refuses his mother's milk or a bottle.

If the disease is still at the beginning of its development, then a soda solution can help in this situation. Pour half a teaspoon of soda into a glass of boiled water, then wrap your finger with a piece of gauze and dip it into the solution. After that, wipe the child's mouth, touching the lips, tongue and inner walls of the cheeks. Perform this procedure every 2 hours.

Thrush – a serious illness that, if left untreated, can spread to the mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Therefore, do not ignore its first symptoms and start treatment in time. Only in this case will it be possible to maintain health.

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