Лучшие техники в борьбе с носогубными морщинами

Deep nasolabial wrinkles cause a lot of grief to the fair sex. They are able to influence facial expressions, some even compare this appearance with the appearance of a bulldog. How to avoid this?

Plastic surgeons will gladly correct your "defects", but the cost of services and dubious safety makes you wonder. After the operation, skin regeneration and rejuvenation process worsens. How to be?


suggests to review available home appliances. We will talk about exercises, massage and masks, so prepare strength, because for the desired result you need to work hard.

1. How to prepare for nasolabial wrinkle removal techniques
2. Gymnastics against nasolabial wrinkles
3. We remove nasolabial wrinkles according to the method of Carol Maggio
4. What technique will save from nasolabial wrinkles
5. Recipes for masks that overcome nasolabial wrinkles

How to prepare for nasolabial wrinkle removal techniques

The reason for the appearance of flabby skin in the nasolabial triangle lies in the stagnation of the lymph. The skin loses its tone, begins to sag. What to do?

Throw all your strength

on strengthening the muscles to restore firmness and elasticity. The available techniques will help with this, but before we analyze them, we get acquainted with the important conditions, observing which you can achieve the result:

●    switch to the right diet without overeating and junk food;

●    quit smoking and alcohol, they have a detrimental effect on youthful skin;

●    use cleansing and nourishing cosmetics;

●    control your sleeping position by avoiding

sleeping face down into the pillow;


Exercise against nasolabial wrinkles

You can strengthen the facial muscles with the help of gymnastics. The exercises are simple, so you can easily master them by sitting in front of a mirror. The duration of the technique is 10-15 minutes, but do it daily.

The exercises are as follows:

●    using your index fingers, stretch the corners of your mouth by 0.5 cm;

●    pour your lips into a tube, pronouncing «oooooo»;

●    rounding your lips, say "oh-oh-oh";

●    grasp the nasolabial folds with your index finger, make a big smile and freeze for 5 seconds;

●    fill your mouth with air

and try to roll it over one cheek then the other.

Repeat these techniques 20-40 times.
We remove nasolabial wrinkles according to the method of Carol Maggio

Carol Maggio, a well-known fashion cosmetologist

, has developed an anti-wrinkle technique, without contact with the skin, in a visual way.

The procedure is performed as follows:

●    completely relax, mentally highlight the points that will be in the middle of the lower and upper lips;

●    Press your lips to your teeth so that you get an oval, help with your fingers and stretch the skin until wrinkles disappear;

●    move your index finger up the folds, mentally raise the energy along the lines of wrinkles;

●    swipe down, imagining the energy descending;

●    perform the exercise until you feel "heat" in


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What technique will save you from nasolabial wrinkles

The facial massage is recognized as a technique with good results. The skin will become elastic and toned after a set of procedures that can be done pointwise.

Technique is as follows:

●    press your finger on several points along the lines of the nasolabial area;

●    move up;

●    use the pad of your middle finger to apply pressure;

●    one session consists of 3-5 receptions.

The movements must be strong, then the lifting effect will not be long in coming. Actual massage options for eliminating wrinkles are stretching and twisting. They are carried out using massage oil, and the technique lives up to its name.

When stretching, wrinkles

must be stretched along the lines, and when twisting – twist back.

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Mask recipes to overcome nasolabial wrinkles

Masks are a proven method of fighting wrinkles. Their advantage is that they do not require scarce components for preparation, most of the ingredients are in your kitchen.

Let's take a look at the best recipes:


Calendula mask. Dry inflorescences of the plant (1 tbsp.) Pour ½ cups of water, boil for 5 minutes. Cool to 40 degrees and add gelatin (1/2 tsp), place in the microwave for 2 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, add olive oil (20 g) and essential oil (1-2 drops). Soak a washcloth with the mixture and place on the nasolabial area, leave for 25 minutes. The course lasts 1 month, a couple of procedures per week.


Algae mask. It gives a good lifting effect. To prepare, mix 10 g of spirulina (powder or tablets are available at the pharmacy) with water (2-3 tablespoons). Prepare gelatin (1 tablespoon), it is better to melt in the microwave. Mix the ingredients and add vitamins E and A (2 drops each) and lemon juice (5 ml). Apply the mask with a brush to the desired area, cover with a tissue and leave for 25 minutes.

To overcome wrinkles in the nasolabial zone, one technique is not enough. An integrated approach will give the best result. Using facial gymnastics with massage and fixing the effect with masks, you can forget about nasolabial wrinkles.
Nothing depresses a woman like the presence of wrinkles. Many catastrophically perceive the appearance of wrinkles on the face. But, as you can see, this is not the time to panic, because

an integrated approach will help overcome the problem.

Nasal-labial wrinkles will disappear if daily efforts are made to eliminate them. The information presented proves that exercises, massages and amazing masks will do an excellent job with cosmetic defects. And you will be happy to enjoy your reflection in the mirror.

The brow wrinkle: how to remove the mask of anger from the face

You might be interested: Just three minutes a day of facial gymnastics and your skin will look great!

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