Women, as well as men, suffer from over-activation of the sebaceous glands on the head, which leads to rapid contamination of the hair and an untidy appearance. Usually, all kinds of means are used indiscriminately and thoughtfully to combat oily hair and maintain a fresh look. In order to properly organize the process of restoring the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands and keep the scalp clean for a long time, it is necessary to understand which anti-fat products to use and how to do it correctly. So, let's look at the main recipes for oily hair masks that help in solving this problem.

Fat at the roots of the hair is always present in a normal amount, it is designed to restore and protect the scalp. But when the glands begin to actively secrete a sebaceous secret, this provokes many problems: loss, dandruff, itching, irritation. This is due to the enveloping of the hair follicles with fat, the accumulation of dirt near the roots and the multiplication of bacteria. As a result, the skin cannot breathe, bacteria multiply rapidly and infect the bulbs.

So let's consider:

  • causes of overactive sebaceous glands;
  • what should I do if my hair starts to get oily quickly?
  • masks for oily hair: effective recipes

Why does my hair get oily quickly?

Pay attention to the hair of young children – their hair does not get fat when washing their hair once a week. An adult often has two extremes: either the hair is too dry, dry dandruff appears, the endsare split, or the hair is excessively oily and a greasy sheen is visible already on the first day after washing.

Read also: Gelatin hair masks: 5 simple recipes

Causes of excessive oily hair:

  • wrong hair care – washing too often, using low-quality cosmetics, washing your hair with hot water;
  • passion for fatty foods activates the sebaceous glands not only on the scalp, but throughout the body;
  • frequent stresses adversely affect the functioning of many systems, and the hairline is no exception;
  • taking medications – antidepressants, contraceptives, antibiotics;
  • hormonal imbalance is a common cause of rapid oily hair in women (pregnancy, breastfeeding, puberty, PMS);
  • hidden chronic ailments can provoke an active secretion of sebaceous secretion by the glands.

gotovim-maski-dlya-zhirnykh-volos-svoimi-rukamiAnother common cause of excessively oily hair roots is daily shampooing, which can result in the removal of the protective layer from the scalp and the appearance of various irritations, hair loss or thinning.

If you wash your hair every day and at the same time use shampoos with aggressive ingredients, serious metabolic disorders at the cellular level are possible.

To wash your hair with oily hair type, if necessary every day, then use natural shampoos and monitor the minimum content of foaming agents and silicone.

For more information about whether you can wash your hair every day, read this article "Expert opinion: how often you need to wash your hair"

How to get rid of excessive oily hair?

The mechanism for getting rid of oily hair should be based on two basic principles:

  • the need to reduce the production of sebum by the glands on the scalp;
  • remove oil from hair from root to tip.

For any product for oily hair to be useful and solve this problem, the composition must include alcohol components and acidic ingredients.

What to do if your hair starts to get greasy quickly – action plan:

  • Determine the cause of excessive activation of the sebaceous glands on the scalp – if the production of fat has increased due to illness or hormonal imbalance, you should start fighting the treatment of these problems and only then move on to the use of products for oily hair;
  • choose a gentle shampoo for daily use and once a month take breaks and do not wash your hair every day for 2-3 days;
  • Use special hair rinses after washing, which narrow the pores and train the glands to work in moderation;
  • be sure to use masks for oily hair at home;
  • once a month, cleanse the scalp (peeling) to get rid of deep deposits of dirt and fat.

For information on how to detoxify your hair, read the article "Hair cleansing, or Detox procedures for your hair"

How to rinse your hair with vinegar water and aspirin

Vinegar will slightly dry the scalp and narrow the pores. Just make sure that there is no irritation and itching – this is a sign of an allergy. Better use apple cider vinegar.

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo (preferably 2 times);
  2. In water (0.5 liters), add vinegar (8 tablespoons) and stir one tablet of aspirin. If the hair is thick – more vinegar if rare and weak – reduce the dose of vinegar and may not use aspirin.
  3. Rinse your hair and work the mixture into the roots with gentle movements.
  4. Rinse again with shampoo.

Masks for oily hair: an effective method to give your hair a well-groomed look

For oily hair, there are rules for applying masks that you need to remember.

Rules for the use of masks for oily hair:

  • The mixture is rubbed into the scalp for 5-7 minutes:
  • a compress is made (made of polyethylene or a shower cap) followed by warming with a towel;
  • for combined hair type: oily roots and dry ends: apply the mask only on the roots, the mixture will be different for the tips;
  • wash off the mask not with hot water, but with warm – 37 degrees;
  • you can use masks for oily hair at home 1-2 times a week for a course of 1 month.


Recipes for homemade masks for oily hair

Recipe #1 – Kiwi Mask

What you need to prepare the mask: hard kiwi fruit and vinegar.

How to cook: chop with a blender or grate kiwi fruit and add a few drops of apple cider vinegar. Leave the mask on the hair for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Kiwi contains many vitamins that nourish the hair. Also, a high content of fruit acids will help get rid of excess fat on the hair.

Recipe #2 – Mustard powder mask

What you need to prepare the mask: mustard (2 tablespoons), warm water, cosmetic clay (3 tablespoons of blue or green clay), lemon juice (1 teaspoon), liquid honey (1 teaspoon spoon).

How to cook: dilute the mustard with warm water and add the rest of the ingredients, stir and apply to the hair. Leave the mask on the hair for 30 minutes, rinse with water.

Recipe #3 – Potato starch mask

What you need for cooking: starch (2 tablespoons), warm water, aloe juice, honey (1 teaspoon each).

How to cook: mix all the ingredients and apply the mask first on the hair roots, leave for 5 minutes, then spread over the entire length and hold for another 30-35 minutes. After that, rinse with water and enjoy the cleanliness of the scalp and gorgeous volume.

In addition to masks for oily hair, it is also useful to exfoliate the scalp with red pepper, sea salt and other elements that have a scrubbing effect. This will help deep cleanse the pores and prolong the effect of cleanliness on the scalp. But peeling should not be used too often, it can be done once a week or every two weeks, it depends on the sensitivity of the skin on the head.

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