Межбровная морщина: как убрать маску гнева с лица

Interbrow wrinkle – the very first sign of aging that appears in young girls. The main reason for the appearance of a vertical fold – active expression. When we frown, raise our eyebrows in surprise, squint at the sun, or not control our facial expressions while thinking, the muscles of the face tense up and eventually "shrink", thereby forming a crease between the eyebrows.

Also often the "culprit" such an aesthetic defect is improper skin care, a bad habit, an unbalanced diet or poor heredity. The brow crease makes the look gloomy and sad, thus adding a few more years. How to get rid of such a problem, knows estet-portal.com.

1. We remove the brow wrinkle by doing gymnastics
2. Massage in the fight against the crease on the bridge of the nose
3. We make smoothing masks from natural ingredients

We remove the brow wrinkle by doing gymnastics

You can get rid of the brow wrinkle with the help of special exercises. Just keep in mind: to achieve the desired result, you need to do gymnastics for a long time and regularly.

Here are some exercises for you:

1. When frowning, raise the eyebrows and fix them in this position for 1 minute, then lower them.

2. We fix the eyebrows with the palms, then raise the eyelids and hold them like that for a second, after which – omit.

3. We stretch the skin with the fingers of both hands, thus smoothing the wrinkle on the bridge of the nose. We try to make a stern look, resisting the muscles.

All exercises, except for 4 and 5, do 15-30 times. By exercising regularly, you will learn to control the facial muscles and begin to control facial expressions without creating a sad or angry look on your face.

4. We lower the eyebrows as much as possible, bring them together and hold them in this position for a few seconds. Then we sharply raise our eyebrows and hold them again. Number of repetitions – 10.

5. Widely open eyes, raise eyebrows and hold them like that for a couple of seconds. We relax and rest. We do this exercise 5 times.

Massage against the wrinkle of the nose

Along with the exercises, you can also do massage. It is quite possible to carry out a procedure aimed at smoothing out a problematic crease at home. Special skills are not needed in this matter.

Main – clearly follow the following steps:

1. We clean the skin from cosmetics.

2. We apply any cosmetic oil on our hands.

3. We warm up the problem area with fingertips with soft pats for several minutes.

4. Gently rub the crease between the eyebrows in a circular motion.

5. With our fingers we stretch the skin towards the temples, while tapping the cavity.

6. We pass to the frontal part and stretch the skin to the temples.

For one session of such a massage, you should take at most 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, stick a regular plaster on eyebrow wrinkle and remove it after 1-1.5 hours. This will allow you to fix the effect.

Massage relaxes the very muscles that make the face gloomy or sad, and also activates blood circulation in the problem area. And as a result, the brow wrinkle is smoothed out.

Just keep in mind: massage is effective if the wrinkle has formed quite recently. If you have deep wrinkles it is worth trying more radical methods: Botox injections, laser, acupuncture and so on.

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We make smoothing masks from natural ingredients

In order to remove the vertical brow wrinkle, seek help and use masks that have a lifting effect:

• Herbal mask. We prepare an infusion of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort. Then one part of it is poured into an ice cube mold and frozen. We will then use herbal cubes to wipe the face in the morning and evening. The second part of the infusion is mixed with chopped strawberries and cosmetic oil. Then we apply the finished vitamin gruel to the crease and leave it there for 20 minutes. Next, take a sponge, dip it in milk and wipe your face with it, removing the remnants of the nourishing mask.

• Yeast mask. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry yeast with milk and wait until the whole mixture ferments. Next, apply the mask with a thick layer on the bridge of the nose and wash it off with warm water after 30 minutes.

• Yolk mask. We combine 1 yolk with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, parsley, 10 drops of sesame oil and 1 ml of tea tree oil. Apply this mixture between the eyebrows and leave it for 15 minutes.

• Fruit puree. Grind banana, kiwi, grapes and mix everything with cream to the consistency of a thick puree. Next, apply the finished mixture in a thick layer on the brow wrinkle and keep this mask for 30 minutes.

It's hard to deal with a sullen bridge of your nose, but it's still possible to achieve the desired result if you show patience. Of course, it is better to prevent the appearance of wrinkles than to fight them for a long time. Therefore, use the recommendations of cosmetologists: do not frown, relax the muscles responsible for the formation of wrinkles, relax daily for 5 minutes, protect your eyes from the sun, select natural cosmetics and regularly make face masks. And only in this case it is possible to prevent the formation of hated brow folds that make the look angry and gloomy.

Read also: How to get rid of facial marks: best tips

Facial gymnastics is still great for wrinkles! Follow our coach in the video.

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