Натуральные дезодоранты: как избавиться от неприятного запаха

Modern women strive to do a lot and always be fresh. In pursuit of success, you should not forget how you look and smell. If makeup can be fixed in a second, then getting rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat is not so easy. Some deodorants are not effective at all. Sometimes the skin after them can become irritated and overdried. natural deodorants with good compositions that do not have a negative effect on your skin have become an alternative to deodorants from mass markets.
and what are they made of?

    Composition of natural deodorants: benefits and harms
  • What's wrong with conventional deodorants
  • Natural deodorants:
  • how to choose Composition of natural deodorants: benefits and harms
True natural deodorants must contain only natural ingredients. Look for baking soda, potassium alum, zinc oxide starch, and medicinal herbs when looking at the label and reading the ingredients of the product. 

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When buying a deodorant, it is important for us that it helps to fight against an unpleasant smell. In natural deodorants,
essential oils

give this effect. What is very important, all the substances that are in the composition of natural deodorants not only temporarily remove the smell, but fight microbes, preventing them from multiplying.
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page on Facebook! What's wrong with conventional deodorants

Many deodorants that we see on the shelves of cosmetic stores contain parabens and other chemicals. They help to briefly hide the unpleasant odor, but do not carry any other benefit. These chemicals can cause allergic reactions,

skin conditions

and affect your overall health. When choosing a deodorant, you should pay attention to whether it contains aluminum salts. This substance clogs pores, preventing your body from breathing. The consequence of which may be inflammation of the sweat glands.

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Natural deodorants

are organic based and won't harm your body.
Natural deodorants: how to choose
The path to finding the right deodorant for you can be a long one. But it cannot be shortened. You just have to try different products until you understand that this particular option is right for you. To be safe, you can test natural deodorants for durability at home. Used the tool and started cleaning. If after a few hours you do not smell unpleasant sweat

, then you have found your very deodorant. But if suddenly the result does not satisfy you, do not immediately throw away the product, try again, let the body accept the new remedy.

Natural deodorants are really effective these days. The opinion that these organic products are not suitable for people with profuse sweating is outdated. They successfully cope with their task and remove the unpleasant odor. In addition, natural substances do not clog the sweat glands. There are many options on the cosmetic market, you just need to choose your own. My default image

If you are looking to consume natural products and want to protect your skin from chemicals,
estet-portal editors advise you to try natural deodorants.

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