Натуральные рецепты для очищения сосудов

It is well known that with age our blood vessels wear out: they thicken, their elasticity deteriorates. A factor aggravating the problem is, among other things, malnutrition: excessive consumption of sugar, abuse of salty, fatty and fried foods. All this is fraught with the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body.

As a result, a person is often tormented by headaches, memory deterioration is observed, a bad mood is not uncommon, depression, and, in addition, fatigue increases and general ailments overcome. To cope with the problem, it is necessary to periodically carry out the procedure for cleansing the vessels. It can be successfully carried out in the comfort of your own home, based on many years of experience in traditional medicine.

Cleansing of blood vessels – prevention of serious diseases

In order to avoid the development of angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis or hypertension due to deterioration in the patency of veins, arteries, capillaries and the appearance of cholesterol plaques, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the vessels. Cleaning vessels should be a necessary measure for every person. The frequency of this procedure is purely individual and depends on the general condition of the body, however, there is still a necessary minimum – once a year.

And above all, to improve the condition of blood vessels, you should gradually reduce the use of harmful products.

Certainly, there are medicines that help dissolve cholesterol and allow you to clean the blood vessels. However, it is no less effective, and, in addition, cleaning the vessels with folk remedies is also very useful. Еstet-portal.com   offers you some of these healing recipes.


  • Prepare the balm. 2 lemons (they do not need to be peeled) and 500 g of garlic chop in a meat grinder. Add 500 g of honey to the resulting mixture, mix everything. Take the balm three times a day for 1 tsp until it runs out. The course should be repeated after a month.
  • Thoroughly washed flax seeds (0.5 cup) pour water so that it only covers them. After 30 min. Drain the water and this time pour the seeds with boiling water (1.5 cups), let them stand for about 2 hours.
  • In the meantime, prepare an infusion of calendula: dry flowers (1 cup) pour boiling water (0.4 l) and let it brew for about 2 hours.
  • After the allotted time, the infusions must be filtered and mixed together. This mixture should be infused for about a third of the day. Take the finished medicine every day for 3 tbsp. l. in the morning before meals, as well as – in the evening before going to bed. The cleansing course lasts 3 weeks. All this time, the remedy should be kept in the refrigerator.
  • Bay leaf (7 pcs.) pour over ¼ cups of boiling water and "sweat" over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Then leave to infuse for 4 hours. Take the infusion for 3 days, drinking in small sips.
  • You will need 2 medium lemons and 250 g of horseradish and garlic. Grind the ingredients in a meat grinder, mix well, then pour 1 glass of warm boiled water and leave to infuse for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Ready infusion is taken three times a day for 30 minutes. before eating. "Medicine" be sure to eat a little honey.
  • Prepare the pine tincture. To do this, you need to collect pine needles (young cones can also be attached to them). Lay the "pine collection" into a glass jar and fill the container to the brim with vodka. Close the jar tightly with a lid and place in a warm, but always dark place. The remedy is ready for use after 10 days, but it must first be filtered. The tincture should be taken three times a day before meals (10 & ndash; 20 drops each), but it must be diluted with a small amount of warm boiled water. The treatment course lasts a month, then a break is made for the same period and after the treatment is repeated.

As you can see, the cleansing of blood vessels does not require significant financial costs, since the procedure involves the use of available products or medicinal plants.

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