Women trying to look their best can sometimes go a little overboard and use incongruous products. As a result, instead of the desired mind-blowing double effect, you can get a zero effect or even harm your skin. In the article we will talk about which cosmetic products should never be used together with – remember this once and for all!
Cosmetics that cannot be used together
Salicylic acid+glycolic acid
Salicylic acid is an ingredient in acne-fighting products. Glycolic acid has an exfoliating property and ensures that dead cells are removed from the surface of the skin without damaging it. Cosmetics containing such components are very effective, but if used simultaneously, these substances can dry out the skin.
Vitamin C + Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is a popular active ingredient in many acne clearing products. At the same time, those that contain vitamin C are no less effective cosmetics. However, these 2 components cannot be used together, since benzoyl peroxide oxidizes vitamin C, which leads to the loss of the beneficial qualities of both substances. In order for the funds to have the desired effect, they should be alternated and not used in one day.
Tretinoin + granular scrubs
Tretinoid helps to restore the skin – it is effective in eliminating wrinkles, uneven skin and discoloration. Since tretinoid dries the skin, it is strictly forbidden to use it together with rough scrubs – so you injure the skin. Instead, it is better to choose soft gels for skin cleansing.
Tretinoid+Facial Toner
Facial Tonic – a cosmetic product that perfectly performs the function of cleansing the skin, gently removing dead cells. Tonics may contain glycolic acid or hamamolis. When these substances are combined in a tretinoid, overdrying of the face occurs.
Facial cleansing brush+exfoliators
When electric facial brushes first hit the market, their ability to gently cleanse and exfoliate skin was positioned as a major benefit. However, many women do not even suspect that a facial cleansing brush cannot be combined with exfoliating cosmetics. This overexposure removes essential oils from the surface of the skin, resulting in rougher, more uneven skin.
Before you arrange a home beauty salon, carefully re-read the composition of your cosmetics. Using a large number of different scrubs, tonics and creams – It is by no means a guarantee that imperfections will be eliminated. The secret of perfectly clean and healthy skin is in the proper selection of cosmetics, and in this matter it is better to trust the specialist – so you are guaranteed to achieve the desired effect. And remember, everything should be in moderation!
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