Невидимые причины плохого настроения

Depression can be caused by many factors that we cannot control: problems at work, financial difficulties, breakups, etc. However, it happens that nothing bad seems to have happened, but there is always no mood. Take a look at yourself – perhaps it is your habits that prevent you from enjoying life.

1. You slouch when walking

Bad mood can affect gait – this statement also works in reverse. A study was published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry that showed that people who slouch tend to be in a bad mood.

2.You take pictures all the time

Instagram lovers, we have some bad news for you. The journal Psychological Science published a study in which participants were divided into two groups and taken to a museum. Half of the people took pictures of everything they saw, and the second – no. The results of the study showed that it is easier to remember information if you look at it with your own eyes, and not through the lenses of a camera.

3.You don't exercise

Studies have shown that exercising three times a week reduces the risk of depression by 19%. So remember that a daily walk, jog, or other sport that you enjoy will help prevent depression and overcome bad moods.

4.You are postponing work

The more you put off a task because you don't like it, it's too difficult, or you're afraid of failing, the more unsettled you feel. Do not put off the unpleasant work – and it will put less pressure on your psyche. And to relax before completing the task, listen to your favorite music – it will help you get in the right mood and relieve tension.

5.You are in a destructive relationship

Low self-esteem and bad mood are often the result of the impact of destructive relationships on the human psyche. If your partner constantly or very often criticizes you and what you do, you need to think about the nature of your relationship with him and what they give you, in addition to feeling broken and unhappy.

6.You laugh too little

To get rid of stress, you can just have a good laugh. Try to laugh every day, look for something funny around you: watch funny shows, read funny books or spend more time with friends who make you laugh – and you will see that enjoying life has become easier.

7.You don't get enough sleep

If you do not have enough time in the day to do everything you want, this does not mean that you need to give up sleep. A person who does not get enough sleep cannot be happy, despite all efforts. Therefore, find the reason why you do not sleep, eliminate it and enjoy life!

8.You don't spend time alone

Children, home, work, parent meetings, board meetings, entertainment in noisy companies – this is all very exhausting. Of course, you need to make time for everyone. But who said that you need to forget about yourself? Everyone needs to be alone, and not only when we feel bad. Pay attention to yourself / yourself – and a bad mood will visit you less often.

9. You don't communicate with your loved ones too much

Social media and mobile phones are not considered communication in this context. We are talking about live communication face to face, when you see the interlocutor, and he – You. We can also advise you to turn off your mobile phone at least once a week and meet with relatives or friends in person.

10.You are multitasking

This is a very, very bad habit. It seems to us that the more things we can do at the same time, the more time we will save. In fact, such "multasking" – a direct road to stress and mental disorders. Let your brain focus on one thing – give him the opportunity to process the information qualitatively. And only after that move on to another type of activity.


As you can see, the reasons for a bad mood often lie in everyday little things that we don't notice. Start changing – and you will see how easy it really is to drive a bad mood away and start enjoying life.

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