Осенняя девятка: список продуктов для похудения

Autumn is replete with juicy, tasty, healthy, fresh vitamin gifts, which you can’t enjoy before winter – dead fruit and vegetable season – sin. But leaning on plant foods, pay special attention to foods that not only boast an abundance of healthy substances, but are also exceptionally good for losing weight. estet-portal.com compiled a list of – gifts of autumn fields and gardens – which will help in the fight for a slim figure. Meet the golden autumn nine!

9 Simple, Inexpensive Weight Loss Products

Plant food is extremely beneficial for health: there is an abundance of vitamins, microelements, and the ability to speed up metabolism, improve the work of the digestive system, pancreas, liver...

When choosing products for weight loss, you need to pay special attention to the glycemic index (GI): no matter how useful a fruit or vegetable is in terms of a set of vitamins, minerals, but if it has a high GI, it will not help to lose extra pounds.

Healthy eating without fruits, herbs, berries, vegetables is impossible. But still there are, for example, fruits, which, due to the high sugar content, should be limited. And there are those that will help you lose those extra pounds. Our portal has compiled a list of herbal products for weight loss:

1. Pumpkin – queen of autumn vegetables – is becoming more and more popular. No wonder: the vegetable is rich in vitamins (A, E, C), minerals (zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium), healthy fiber and low calorie content (100 g & ndash; 30 cal). Those who want to lose weight should often cook pumpkin dishes – soups, stews, vegetable casseroles and even desserts.

2. Carrotb. Coarse dietary fibers of carrots allow you to get enough of this completely low-calorie (100 g & ndash; 30 cal) vegetable for a long time. A real scourge of people who have lost weight – sagging and unhealthy skin color, stretch marks. This happens due to a lack of carotene, and there is more than enough vitamin A in carrots! One thing to keep in mind when including carrots on your list of weight loss foods is that the cooked vegetable has a high glycemic index, which causes a spike in blood sugar, so opt for raw carrots.

3. Sweet potato (sweet potato). Not a very popular type of potato with us, but it's a pity. In addition to proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, it contains fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins and facilitates the process of losing weight. Bake slices of sweet potato drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with your favorite spices in the oven, and you will never trade it for chips again. Sweet potato is also good in its raw form: just grate along with carrots, apples and season with any vegetable oil. Calorie content: 100 g – 86 cal.

4. Pears. Do these sweet fruits help to lose weight?! – many will be surprised. Yes, and here's why. Pears, despite their high content of sweetening fructose, have a low glycemic index. And this means that by eating a pear for a second breakfast, you will not get hungry until lunch and will be energetic, since eating foods with a low glycemic index does not lead to a sharp jump in blood sugar levels, but on the contrary – allows it to stay at the same level for a long time. One fruit contains approx. 6 g of fiber to regulate digestion and prevent bloating. Those who want to lose weight may well enjoy pears. Main – do not eat them in kilograms (do not forget about the high content of fructose in them). One large one or two small ones will suffice. Calories: 100 g – 57 cal.

5. Cranberries. Tart, sour berries, recommended by doctors for urinary infections, are also a powerful antioxidant and contain a good half of the vitamin alphabet. For weight loss, cranberries are indispensable: perfectly balanced nutrients in it are easily absorbed, and the caloric content – only 26 kcal per 100 g of berries. In addition, the presence of fiber in the stick helps to cleanse the body, which plays an important role in the process of losing weight. And the secret weapon of the cranberry – ursular acid, which speeds up calorie burning, helps to reduce body fat (white fat) and promotes an increase in brown fat, which helps maintain a constant weight.

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6. Grenades from September – until the end of December, the most juicy and healthy: the pulp is replete with vitamins, and the bones – dietary fiber, which gives a long feeling of satiety and helps rid the body of toxins. Therefore, pomegranates should be eaten with bones, chewing them carefully. The pomegranate is simply "stuffed" essential antioxidants for health. Antioxidants slow down the aging process, fight free radicals, protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment. Calorie content: 100 g – 83 cal.

7. Plums. Low glycemic index, low calorie content (100 g – 40-50 cal) and the ability to remove from the intestines what clogs it, allow plums to be added to the list of products for weight loss. Fruits have a slight laxative effect, so if you feel that you need to get rid of excess, – eat plums.

8. Brussels sprouts – truly a storehouse of useful substances, for example, vitamin K, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Good for weight loss, because it contains fiber and protein, which, as we remember, give a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Calorie content: 100 g – 43 cal.

9. Apples close the list of products for weight loss. Without them, it is difficult to imagine the struggle with extra pounds. Low-calorie (100 g - 52 cal), but with pectin, which helps cleanse the intestines, and enzymes that speed up digestive processes. It is only important to remember two things. First, apples are exceptionally active in absorbing pesticides, so you should eat either grown in your garden or bought in organic food stores. Second: no baking with apples! Would you like an apple dessert? Bake an apple.

Including fruits, berries, vegetables from the list of products for weight loss offered by our website, remember the important nuances. There is no such food that you can eat in kilograms without harm to the figure, so keep the measure, especially since overeating is generally unhealthy. In addition, you will stretch the stomach, and this will complicate the process of losing weight.

Including fruits, berries, vegetables from the list of products for weight loss proposed by our website, remember: there is no food that you can eat in kilograms without harm to your figure, so keep it in moderation, especially since overeating is generally unhealthy.

Vegetables useful for weight loss do not fry, but boil or bake. Eat fruits raw – in charlottes, cakes or with ice cream and cream, they will not help to lose weight. And one more thing: most of all vitamins, useful substances are in those fruits and vegetables that have been picked recently. Use the generous table that autumn has set for you!

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