Особенности гнойного гидраденита: какие могут быть осложнения

Hydradenitis, popularly known as "bitch's udder", is quite common, especially among girls. Such a disease is a purulent inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands, the places of localization of which are often the armpits or perineum. However, it is not uncommon for purulent hydradenitis to occur in the nipples, anus, and labia majora. This problem is often accompanied by severe pain and itching in the affected area, headache, fever, general weakness. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that untreated inflammation often leads to serious complications. Which – we will talk about this in the article.

Hydradenitis: causes of such an unpleasant lesion

Hydradenitis, the symptoms of which are not pleasant, just does not occur. The appearance of the disease is often associated with infection with staphylococci or streptococci.

The main "culprit" the occurrence of hydradenitis is the person himself, when he casually shaves off the hairs, after the procedure does not treat the resulting wounds with an antibacterial agent, or abuses antiperspirants.

There are also several factors that can trigger inflammation.

This is:
•    lowered immunity;
•   excessive sweating;
•    obesity.

What are the complications of purulent hidradenitis

If the treatment of hidradenitis under the arm or on other parts of the body is timely and correct, the disease goes away quickly enough, and an almost imperceptible scar appears at the site of the lesion. However, if the patient is very weak, the treatment was carried out in inappropriate conditions, or the inflammation was not amenable to medical treatment, there is a risk of complications. Often, a purulent infection spreads to neighboring soft tissues and can lead to the development of phlegmon and abscess. And if the problem is sufficiently neglected, the infection often enters the circulatory system and spreads throughout the body, resulting in sepsis.

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Effective treatment of hidradenitis: medicines and radical methods

Now you certainly have a picture of what hydradenitis is. Getting rid of this problem is really easy. Main – seek medical attention in time. The doctor carefully examines the patient and tells him how to treat hydradenitis. Often, experts prescribe the use of antibiotics, treatment of affected areas with salicylic, boric or camphor alcohol. And during treatment, the patient must follow a special diet, which includes foods that contain vitamins, iron and phosphorus. These are citrus fruits, rose hips, apples, berries and so on.

And how to treat hidradenitis in a neglected state? In this case, surgical intervention is indispensable. The operation involves the opening of a purulent focus, excision of all inflammatory tissue, complete removal of the affected skin and masking of the defect using autodermoplasty.

Hydradenitis cured in time will save you from serious complications and an ugly defect on the skin.

Read also: Effective methods of treating hidradenitis at home

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