Medicine and treatment

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region: symptoms, causes, exercises for prevention

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region is characterized by accelerated aging of the intervertebral discs, and subsequently the bodies of the cervical vertebrae. Since it is the cervical vertebrae that are the most mobile of all parts of the spine, they are the most vulnerable. It is very important to pay attention to the appearance of osteochondrosis in time, because in advanced cases it leads to irreversible consequences.

When to realize it in time?

If you experience symptoms such as pain in the neck, tingling in the arms and heaviness in the back of the head, as well as if your neck begins to crackle when you turn your head, your shoulders or arms go numb, you may be at risk of developing osteochondrosis of the cervical region. Of course, such symptoms may be associated with the presence of colds or other diseases, but they are the first alarm bells that should alert you and encourage you to visit a specialist.

Also, among the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, one can distinguish:

  • pain in the neck while turning the head or after sleep;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • numbness, pain, stiff neck;
  • tinnitus, dizziness, gait disturbance;
  • pain under the shoulder blade when tilting the head;
  • dizziness while lying on the back.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is prescribed exclusively by a doctor after a proper examination. Self-treatment in this case is unacceptable.

To prevent this disease, it is necessary:

  1. Avoid increased pressure in the intervertebral discs, bruises, injuries, sudden movements.
  2. Regular neck strengthening exercises.
  3. Avoid nervous tension and hypothermia.
  4. Switch to proper nutrition, which will provide the body with all the substances necessary for health.
  5. Keep good posture.

What exercises can be performed to prevent osteochondrosis of the neck:

  1. For 7 seconds, press on the palm with the forehead, and then with the back of the head (perform 3 times).
  2. Press the temples on the palm: left - on the left, right - on the right (perform 3 times, press for 7 seconds).
  3. Starting position: head slightly tilted back. Tighten your neck muscles and try to press your chin against the jugular fossa, while overcoming the resistance of tense muscles (perform at least 5 times).
  4. Slowly turn your head to the right, then to the left (up to the maximum possible point). In this case, the head and shoulders should be in a straight position (perform 5 times).
  5. Do exercise 4, only this time while turning the chin should be pressed to the neck (perform 5 times).
  6. Tilt your head back and try to touch your shoulder with your ear (right - right, left - left) (repeat 5 times for each side).
  7. Sit up straight, slowly and carefully lower your head back so that you can see the ceiling. After a couple of seconds, return to the starting position.


  • Comments (1)

    05 апреля 2018, 20:20

    Я так понимаю, что эти упражнения можно применять не только для профилактики, а и когда уже имеется заболевание, но в период ремиссии. Жаль что о профилактики никто не задумывается, пока здоров.а вспоминает о ней когда уже поздно. Я вот Сразу в больницу обратилась и не зря. Болей нет и выраженных симптомов тоже. а из лечения лишь массаж и периодически для поддержания хрящевой ткани инъекции. Даже страшно представить что бы меня ожидало. если б я во время за помощью не обратилась

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