What determines what shade of hair color nature gives us? This circumstance is influenced by several factors. The color of our hair is determined by the content of melanin pigment and the amount of air bubbles in it. Based on the ratio of these data, we get one or another "color" curls. Do not discount the influence on the shade of the hair of a hereditary predisposition, as well as the activity of the endocrine system. Despite the fact that 5 shades of human hair are considered to be the main ones, in reality, there are more than 50 of them.

Shades of hair color: what they are

Pigmentation of the hair depends on the content of dark and light pigments. So, pheomelanin is responsible for yellow-red shades, and zumelanin – for black and brown. If there is more of the first pigment, then the color of the person's curls will be light, in the second case – their color is dark. The combination of these 2 pigments gives rise to the entire tint palette. Absolutely all hair, regardless of the available color, includes both pigments, although they are often unevenly distributed. For example, in the middle of the hair pigments are represented by the maximum amount, while in the cuticle (top layer) they are practically absent.  

Let's consider 5 basic hair colors (each of them has several shades):

Brunettes. These are people endowed with almost black curls, which is explained by an increased amount of dark pigment. The difference between such hair – in a special natural brilliance, casting silver-blue in the sun. They range from deep black to brown.

Blondes. Such people inhabit mainly central and northern Europe. They can also be called blond. Shades of similar hair: white, golden, gray (ash), light blond.

Brown-haired. Endowed with hair from dark blond to chestnut shades. Moreover, the latter, of natural origin, has a lot of tones and it is not possible to repeat them by artificial coloring.

Red hair. People whose natural hair color is this particular – an extremely rare occurrence. In such individuals, the predominant hair pigment is pheomelanin. Most naturally red people live in Ireland and Scotland.

blond hair. This category includes light brown hair tones. Such persons inhabit mainly Slavic countries. Previously, this color was considered to be boring, gray. To date, the natural beauty of this shade is appreciated, because it also cannot be achieved by dyeing.


How hair color changes happen

Children's hair color change is usually completed by the age of 5. There are changes in the pubertal period, in particular, the darkening of the hair is marked by the influx of testosterone.

The appearance of gray hair is possible after 20 years. The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon may be the cessation of melanin production and the formation of a large number of air bubbles.

When the hair is just starting to turn gray, only the roots lose pigment. Then the curls gradually turn gray and at some point become completely white.

The appearance of gray hair at a young age is explained by past illnesses, multiple stresses experienced by a person, an important role in this process and genetic predisposition. Premature graying can also occur in the presence of Werner's syndrome: this is an extremely severe hereditary disease.

It is noteworthy that the first gray hair is not evidence of aging, one of the reasons for this phenomenon may be calcium deficiency in the body.

Of course, in many cases it is easier to prevent early graying than to fight it later.

To do this, experts recommend eating right, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, wearing a hat in damp and dank weather, and not neglecting beauty products intended for hair.

Whatever color or shade your hair is, try to protect what nature has given you. Take care of your hair, cherish it and cherish it.

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