Три упражнения в день, благодаря которым перестанет болеть спина

A healthy spine is the key to your good mood, clear mind, activity and ability to work. Many office workers, beauty professionals, teachers, students and people in other occupations that spend most of the day sitting at a desk often have back problems. Therefore, it is especially important to do gymnastics and go to the gym.

Today, the editors of estet-portal will tell you what exercises should be done to strengthen and restore the spine from constant stress.

Exercises for a healthy spine: stretching

Get into a supine position. Bend your knees and wrap your arms around them. Push off the floor and swing in that position. At the same time, try to raise your head and reach your knees with your chin. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat again.

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An excellent type of training for stretching and working out the back is stretching. In this type of physical activity there are special exercises for stretching the muscles of the back and the spine.


Exercises for a healthy spine: stretching

Take a prone position. The face should be directed to the floor, the legs are shoulder-width apart. Raise your pelvis and arch your back. Focus on your toes and palms. Try to keep your knees and elbows in a fully extended position. Then slowly lower your pelvis and raise your head. Then repeat the exercise, slowly lifting the pelvis up, arching your back. Repeat several times.

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Spine health helps support Pilates technique. This is a system of gymnastic exercises that are performed slowly with maximum concentration and help keep the muscles of the whole body in good shape.

Exercises for a healthy spine: bridge

Take a sitting position on the floor. Place a strong emphasis on your hands, bend your legs at the knees, feet should be located at a short distance. Raise the pelvis, then the whole body to such a position that the spine is in a horizontal position, and lower yourself. Repeat the exercise several times, rhythmically, in this way you will work out the muscle of the lumbar region of the spine.


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Swimming also helps to train the muscles of the back and maintain the health of the spine. Water relieves stress from the back, and the right technique stretches the spine and pumps back muscles.

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