Quadreus lumborum – it is a paired postural muscle that is responsible for lateral stability and tilt of the spine and chest, elevation of the hip, and may also be involved in the process of exhalation. It starts at the iliac crest and attaches to the 12th rib and the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae I–IV. Roughly speaking, it connects the lower ribs and the pelvis. Often this muscle acts as a source of pain in the lower back. If the gluteal muscles are weakened, the quadratus lumborum partly takes over their function of stabilizing the pelvis and, accordingly, is subjected to unintended overstrain. Estet-portal.com will tell you how to get rid of pain caused by quadratus lumborum overstrain.

Strain of the square muscle of the lower back: the most common causes

The causes of pain in the back, namely in its lower part (lumbar) can be:

  • protrusion or herniation of the vertebral disc;
  • injuries;
  • pinched nerves;
  • nerve inflammation;
  • diseases of internal organs (reflected pain);
  • infections;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • leg length difference;
  • displacement of joints;
  • muscle strain or strain.

It is possible to assume an overstrain of the square muscle of the lower back only after undergoing a complete examination and excluding other causes that led to the onset of pain.

A characteristic feature of problems with the square muscle of the lower back is pain, as well as a noticeable tilt into the "sick" side. Possible causes of overexertion of the specified muscle:

  • the habit of sleeping on one side with an elevated hip;
  • carrying weights on one side;
  • weakened muscles of the buttocks;
  • wrong posture, etc.


How to relieve tension in the quadratus lumborum

To relieve lower back pain, it is enough to perform the following exercises aimed at relieving tension in the square muscle of the back.

Massage will also be useful, but it is better to turn to a qualified specialist who knows exactly the technique of performing massage movements.

We suggest you try the following exercises and postures.

1. Reaching for the fetus (up to 10 repetitions)


  • stand straight with arms straight up;
  • Now raise one hand higher as if you were about to pick a ripe fruit from a tree;
  • bend the opposite leg at the knee and lift the hip up;
  • inhale and feel the contraction of the quadratus lumborum;
  • exhale and relax;
  • Repeat on the other side.

2. Gentle twisting in lying position


  • lie on your side;
  • apply a roller to your left thigh;
  • turn your torso in the direction of the roller;
  • arms rest on the sides of the roller (as shown above);
  • turn your head in any direction (as you prefer);
  • you will have to find the best position yourself by adjusting the bend of the hips and knees, pulling the thigh away from the lower ribs;
  • stay in the selected position for a couple of minutes;
  • slowly exhaling, return to the starting position;
  • Repeat on the other side.

3. Graceful tree pose


  • lie on your back;
  • bend the spine so that the body leans to the right side;
  • keep your hips and shoulders on the floor;
  • grab your right wrist with your left hand;
  • put your feet to the right;
  • so that the legs do not move apart, it is fashionable to cross them at the ankles;
  • feel the entire left side stretch;
  • After a few minutes, return to the starting position and repeat the pose on the other side.

4. Sitting Side Stretch


  • get down on all fours;
  • put your hands exactly under your shoulders;
  • knees and inner thighs must touch and align under the pelvic bone;
  • transfer your hips to the left side, rolling onto the outer part of the left leg (the right leg should be on the left);
  • look over your right shoulder;
  • inhale as you stretch the left lower back and left thigh;
  • exhale to return to center position;
  • Repeat on the other side.

5. Child's pose


  • get on your knees;
  • sit your buttocks on your heels;
  • bend forward with arms outstretched;
  • put your chest on your hips;
  • move your hands to the position of the arrow that points to 10 o'clock so that the body curves to the left;
  • hold in this position for a minute;
  • repeat on the other side (hands at 2 o'clock).

Estet-portal.com hopes that the above poses will help relieve the tension of the square muscle of the lower back, and with it – and pain in the lower back.

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