Питание при атопическом дерматите: рецепты блюд для диеты

Diet for atopic dermatitis in adults should be based on the preparation of a complete diet that will allow you to maintain performance. It is important to avoid the consumption of histamine-liberator substances, which include ready-to-eat foods (sausages, canned fish, hard cheeses, etc.), as well as products prepared by fermentation (fermentation, pickles, wines). A more detailed list of foods that should be excluded from the diet for atopic dermatitis, as well as recipes for preparing tasty and healthy dishes are set out in the article.

It is the diet that is one of the most important components of the treatment and prevention of skin dermatitis.

Thus, people suffering from atopic dermatitis should completely eliminate the following foods from their diet:

  • eggs and dairy products;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • sauces, seasonings, smoked meats, pickles;
  • fried and spicy dishes;
  • sweets, chocolate, honey, nuts;
  • red vegetables, fruits and berries.

For consumption for a diet with atopic dermatitis, the following are recommended: cereals, sour-milk products, potatoes, boiled or steamed beef, cabbage, green apples.

Recipes for a diet for atopic dermatitis

Recipe #1. Steam beef cutlets

You will need:

  • 300g lean beef;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 1 small boiled carrot;
  • 1 large raw carrot;
  • 6-7 pcs potatoes;
  • 1 st. l. sour cream;
  • a few chives;
  • salt, pepper – to taste.

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1. Twist the meat in a meat grinder or chop in a combine.
2. Add in minced onion, grated on a fine grater. Finely chop boiled carrots and green onions, add to minced meat. Send the yolk there. Add sour cream to minced meat and vegetables.
3. After the minced meat is mixed, you can add spices (basil, ground nutmeg and paprika) or refuse them altogether.
4. At the last moment, add salt, mix the minced meat and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
5. After half an hour, remove the minced meat and form cutlets out of it.
6. Peel potatoes and carrots, cut into circles, cubes or strips. Put the vegetables in a colander.
7. Pour water into the pan so that it does not reach the bottom of the colander. Place a colander on a pot of water cover with a lid and make medium heat. After 5 minutes, put the cutlets on the vegetables, cover the dish tightly with a lid and cook for 20 minutes. The water in the pot should boil continuously.


Recipe #2. Lavash roll with cottage cheese

You will need:

  • 200 g cottage cheese 2% fat;
  • 2 parsley branches;
  • 20 g celery root;
  • 30 g green leaf lettuce;
  • yellow bell pepper – to taste;
  • 2 lavash.

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1. Finely chop parsley, lettuce and celery, mix them with cottage cheese until smooth.
2. Finely chop the pepper and add to the cottage cheese and herbs.
3. Divide the lavash sheet into 4 parts, spread the curd mixture on each, form rolls.


Recipe #3. Dessert of mango and banana

You will need:

  • mango;
  • 1 medium banana;
  • 1 sprig of mint.


1. Peel the banana and cut into pieces.
2. Peel the mango, cut into small pieces or cut in half, remove the flat pit and scoop out the flesh with a dessert spoon.
3. Arrange the fruits in containers with lids and send them to the freezer for at least 2 hours, and preferably all night.
4. Place frozen fruit in a blender bowl and grind at low speed. The ideal consistency is one that will keep small pieces of banana and mango.
5. Pour the dessert into glasses and garnish with mint.


Diet for atopic dermatitis – an integral part of the treatment of the disease, so it is important to carefully monitor your diet in order to get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

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