Medicine and treatment

Why watery eyes - causes of tearing and their elimination

Each person faces teary eyes, but we do not always think about why the eyes are watery. In some cases, the reasons may be obvious – for example, eye fatigue. In such cases, there is only one solution – relaxation. However, a more serious problem may be the cause of violations of the secretion of tears. will tell you in which case tearing eyes may indicate the need to see a doctor, and in which cases you can deal with the problem yourself.

Why eyes water: causes of impaired secretion of tears

It should be noted that the lacrimal glands work continuously, i.e. tears in a small amount stand out constantly. Such tears are called basal and perform a protective function – prevent dust and bacteria from entering the eye through its external structures. To understand why your eyes water and how dangerous it is, you need to know what this process is.

It is normal to release tears in an amount of up to 1 ml per day, if the lacrimal glands are not exposed to external stimuli or the person is not in a state of psycho-emotional stress. As necessary, the volume of liquid increases (if a foreign body has entered the eye or it is exposed to too bright radiation, etc.). In case of increased lacrimation, the volume of secreted tears can increase up to 10 ml. In addition, tearing is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • eye redness;
  • photophobia;
  • burning in the eyes.

The causes of increased tearing of the eyes lie in inflammation of the mucous membrane or cornea of ​​the eye, caused by:

  • stress (even if you do not want to cry consciously, the release of an excess amount of tears may be due to psycho-emotional stress; in this case, conventional drugs do not help, and you need to contact a neurologist or even a psychotherapist for help);
  • allergies (itching around the eyes, redness and excessive tearing, which may also be accompanied by swelling of the eyelid and blurred vision, may be a reaction to allergens – allergic conjunctivitis);
  • foreign particles or objects (mouse, mote, eyelash, piece of ink, etc.);
  • glasses or lenses that do not fit you, or lens solution (you should consult an ophthalmologist to find suitable items for you);
  • trauma (physical damage to the cornea or exposure to intense radiation may be the answer to the question "Why do my eyes water?");
  • migraine;
  • age-related changes (dry eye syndrome);
  • lack of vitamins (namely B2 and A);
  • cold (as a result of blockage of the nasolacrimal canal).


Why are my eyes watering – problem solving

Let's say you found an explanation why your eyes are watering, but you don't know what to do. Let's look at the options in order of priority.

    If it's fatigue.
Here you are your own doctor – take regular breaks from work, set an alarm if necessary, and take at least five minutes off the computer or text you are working on every hour. Better use this break for gymnastics.

    If something gets in the eye
In no case should a foreign body be removed from the eye, especially with dirty hands. To do this, you need to use, based on the situation, either clean water or a napkin soaked in water. No sharp objects – so you risk injuring the cornea. If the foreign body cannot be removed – go to the doctor, don't expect it to get worse!

    If the eye is injured
It is better, of course, to immediately consult a doctor. If this is not possible, it is necessary, with care, to treat the affected eye with an antiseptic.

    If allergies are to blame
If you are already familiar with allergic reactions, you should carry a medication prescribed by your doctor that relieves their symptoms. If you only suspect an allergy, contact a specialist – he will identify the allergen and suggest a solution to the problem.

    If tears are shed because of a cold
Heal. If increased lacrimation – the result of SARS or influenza, drugs for treatment are prescribed by a doctor after an examination. The tearing will disappear along with the cured disease.

    Lack of vitamins
If external factors, colds, allergies and fatigue do not explain why the eyes are watery, it may be due to the lack of vitamins B2 and A, which can be obtained from the following foods: green leafy vegetables, liver, tomatoes, eggs, fish, carrots, parsley, cheese, etc.

If you have no idea why your eyes are watery, you should contact a professional. For example, they can determine that glasses or lenses no longer fit you, diagnose a medical condition (for example,

conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome) and prescribe treatment.

  • Comments (1)

    12 декабря 2017, 22:10

    Спасибо за статью.

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