If you don't train your arm muscles, they will atrophy over time, just like other muscles in your body. Moreover, over time, fat on the hands begins to accumulate. There is only one way to get rid of such a problem - properly selected workouts that involve the muscles of the hands. Arm fat is a predominantly female problem, since the fair sex rarely engages in physical work that allows you to save the arm area from the accumulation of body fat, especially in the triceps area. Estet-portal.com will tell you how to get rid of arm fat with great exercises, as well as become stronger and gain self-confidence.

What muscles should I work on to get rid of arm fat?

Getting rid of arm fat is not as difficult as you think. The main thing is to consider three main aspects that are necessary for a balanced workout. As you prepare for t-shirt and t-shirt season, remember that doing the following exercises all year round will relieve the problem of arm fat and the pain associated with it.

  1. Engage your shoulder muscles

Working on the muscles of the shoulders allows you to balance the proportions. Working out the deltoid muscles (or shoulder muscles) will help visually narrow the waist and make the figure look like an hourglass. Particular attention to working with these muscles should be paid to girls with too narrow shoulders and massive hips.

Which exercises are suitable:

  • arm raises with dumbbells in front of you;
  • raising arms to the sides;
  • seated dumbbell press;
  • circular hand movements;
  • straightening arms back (with dumbbells), etc.


  1. Pay attention to the biceps

The bicep is located in front of the arm. This muscle is necessary for the implementation of pulling movements. By working the biceps, you can ensure muscle balance. To get rid of fat on the arms and give them a beautiful shape, it is necessary not to ignore either the front or the back of the arms.

Which exercises are suitable:

  • bicep curl;
  • concentrated bending;
  • pulling movements;
  • hammer exercise (for biceps).


  1. Work the triceps from all sides

Triceps make up about two-thirds of your arm. That is why for their training it is necessary to use the most diverse exercises. This large muscle group is known to have three heads, and none of them should be ignored when doing exercises to burn fat on the arms.

Triceps help you do push-ups and push-ups. Do not forget about the role of this muscle group for the beautiful shape of the hands.

Which exercises are suitable:

  • push-ups;
  • bar (especially side);
  • straightening the arms back in a tilt, etc.


To get rid of arm fat, combine three groups of exercises

If you have weak arms characterized by the presence of unsightly fat, for maximum results, you need to combine three groups of exercises to get rid of arm fat and strengthen muscles, namely:

  • deltoid exercises;
  • bicep exercises;
  • triceps exercises.

Don't forget that unnecessary fat deposits anywhere on the body (including arm fat) can be the result of hormonal imbalances and other health problems.

Therefore, when doing exercises for the arms, do not forget that an integral part of the complex of measures aimed at burning fat are:

  • quality sleep;
  • stress reduction;
  • correction of diet;
  • treatment of possible diseases (eg thyroid gland) that lead to an increase in body fat.

Of course, adjust the intensity of your exercise according to how you feel, and if you have any medical conditions, you should consult your doctor.

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