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Problem facial skin – real scourge of modernity. After all, this problem occurs in 80-90% of young people. Often it makes itself felt in adulthood. Oily sheen, enlarged pores, blackheads and acne spoil the appearance and are the cause of the development of complexes, especially in adolescents. But you should not despair. With proper and regular care, you can get rid of cosmetic defects once and for all. In this material, the editors of estet-portal.com have prepared for you the rules and basic steps for caring for the "capricious" dermis.

Problem skin of the face: what is the reason for the "capricious" skin leather

Let's start at the root of the problem. Having learned the true cause of oily sheen, comedones and inflammation, it will be much easier to make competent care and choose the right cosmetics. «Culprits» there are several unpleasant phenomena on the face:
• Hormonal changes. It is no coincidence that problem facial skin is present in almost every teenager. Indeed, during puberty, a hormonal explosion occurs, which leads to increased secretion of sebum. As a result, the skin begins to shine, black spots and various inflammations appear on it. The same thing happens before menstruation, during pregnancy, and also during the lactation period.

Oily sheen, rashes on the face and other phenomena can also occur due to diseases of internal organs and systems that provoke hormonal imbalance.

• Wrong nutrition. Problematic facial skin does not like sweets, fatty, floury and salty foods, as well as coffee and carbonated drinks. These products sooner or later lead to disruption of the digestive tract. The body begins to fail, clogged with toxins and toxins. All this has a bad effect on the condition of the skin of the face.
• Improper or insufficient care. If you forget to remove makeup at night, do not use skin care products or take care of your skin incorrectly, it becomes problematic.
• Unfavorable ecological situation. Exhaust fumes, street dust and other environmental factors clog pores, leading to inflammatory processes.

Problem facial skin: the main care program - what it consists of

Problem skin care – the task is not an easy one. But by creating a competent care program, you can simplify this matter and get the desired results.
Take care of the "capricious" the dermis is necessary in stages: cleansing, toning, protection, hydration and nutrition.
• Cleansing. Problem skin of the face needs such a daily ritual 2 times a day – in the morning to remove the sebum produced during the night and in the evening to cleanse the pores of cosmetics, dust and dirt.

It is desirable to wash your face without soap. It contains alkalis in its composition, which dry the skin and form a thin invisible film on the surface that prevents the pores from breathing normally. Because of this, various inflammations occur.

For washing, use a soft gel or foam. From folk remedies, a decoction of chamomile, string and calendula has proven itself well. Do not neglect the removal of makeup with a special milk or other means. After all, if you go to bed with painted eyelashes and foundation, in the morning your face will look unattractive.
The skin of the face also needs deep cleansing. Therefore, regularly use cleansing scrubs with small particles that do not scratch the delicate skin. But before the procedure, be sure to steam your face with a steam bath of chamomile. Scrubbing is desirable to do no more than 1-2 times a week. Well cleanse the pores and masks with white clay. Kaolin absorbs excess sebum, tightens pores, dries up inflammation, and also makes the skin smooth and dull.

• Toning. After each cleansing, it is necessary to wipe the face with a tonic designed for the problematic type of dermis. This tool delicately removes the remnants of cosmetics and dirt, tones, moisturizes, and also relieves inflammation and redness. It also tightens pores and prepares the skin for cream application.
• Protection. During the day, the skin is exposed to sunlight, wind, dust, bacteria and other external negative factors. Therefore, there is no way to do without reliable protection. Otherwise, the earlier appearance of mimic wrinkles and age spots will be ensured. Be sure to use a day cream with sunscreen. In the summer, it is advisable to apply a gel with a light structure to the face instead of a cream.
• Nutrition and hydration. Problematic skin, despite the fact that it is oily, it is also necessary to moisturize, because after cleansing the top layer of sebum is erased. Lanolin cream is suitable for inflamed dermis. They saturate it with moisture and relieve inflammation. You can't do without quality food. It supplies the skin with beneficial substances. For this purpose, a night cream with extracts of medicinal plants, salicylic acid, zinc is suitable. It should be applied 2 hours before bedtime. During this time, the active ingredients will be absorbed into the skin and begin to work. You can also apply drying and nourishing masks.
Along with the use of various cosmetics, you must also take care of proper nutrition. Forget about fatty, salty and sweet foods, alcohol and soda. Instead, include more fruits, vegetables, and dairy products in your diet.
My default image• Don't pop your pimples, or you could get an infection and spread the inflammation all over your face. Also, this addiction often leads to the appearance of ugly scars.

• Wash your face no more than 2 times a day. Excessive
cleansing of the skin

leads to increased production of sebum. To remove oily sheen from the face, use better matting wipes.

• After washing, do not rub your face hard. Wipe it very gently. Do this procedure with a dry and clean towel or disposable wipes.

• Use decorative cosmetics marked "non-comedogenic", that is, products that
Caring for problematic skin is not so difficult. The main thing in this business – do things right and regularly. And then the condition of the face will noticeably improve, and acne, black spots and other problems will go away for a long time.
In order for the problem skin of the face to always be healthy and clean, you need to properly care for it. Do not forget to wash off makeup at night, review your diet and try to be attentive to your health, in particular, monitor hormonal changes. Read also:
How to get rid of acne for a long time

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