Проблемы мужчин и женщин при недостатке секса

The intimate sphere of human life is quite complicated. Scientists regularly conduct research in this area. We can give up delicious food in favor of a good figure, from addictions in favor of health. But can we refuse sex?

Regular sex life is known to strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on the body as a whole. Let's be curious about the dangers of sexual abstinence for both sexes. Why shouldn't you deny yourself sex for a long time? What are the consequences of forced celibacy?

How does the lack of sex affect the female body

For a woman, sex – it is primarily a psychological component. Having enough sexual attention, she feels more confident and emotionally fulfilled, notes estet-portal.com. However, it all depends on personal temperament. If the attraction to the opposite sex is average, she tolerates the lack of sex well. If the temperament is stormy – this can already be fraught with various problems. But for both, with a lack of sex:

  • Frigidity may develop. If a woman has not had an orgasm for a long time, over time she may lose this ability altogether. Therefore, it is not worth taking too long breaks in sex.
  • Female gynecological problems. Here we are talking about the hormonal background, which stabilizes if sex is regular. From its lack, the level of essential female hormones drops and leads to problems of a gynecological nature.
  • Also, abstinence often leads to neurosis, mood swings, and frequent irritation. A woman may feel inferior and become overly aggressive.
  • As a consequence of the previous paragraph, all negative emotions can result in depressive and stressful conditions. In this case, the emotional background suffers the most. A woman feels her uselessness and unattractiveness, mental disorders occur, complexes arise.
  • With a lack of sex, the symptoms of PMS and the onset of menopause are more pronounced. After all, sex, in itself, is a certain massage, which allows you to improve blood circulation in the female areas, which has a positive effect on health in general.
  • Women who are sexually abstinent are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and be overweight. Skin and hair also suffer. Early wrinkles appear, dry skin is observed.

As we can see, the rejection of sexual life has a bad effect on women's physical and emotional health.


How does the lack of sex affect the male body

With men, too, the situation is very serious. They do not tolerate sexual abstinence quite well. Lack of sex can cause:

  • Psychological disorders, the man will feel impotent. Nervous breakdowns, depressions, neuroses can occur. Often accompanied by depression. Insomnia and frequent wet dreams may occur.
  • Since semen is released infrequently, it can contribute to diseases such as prostatitis. Problems with the prostate gland are not excluded.
  • Due to insufficient testosterone secretion, a decrease in lean body mass is possible.
  • Stagnation in the prostate leads to a deterioration in the quality of sperm. So the ability to bear children is getting worse. If a man plans to conceive a child, then abstaining from sex for a long period will only reduce his chances.
  • The cardiovascular system of men without sexual training and in the stress of its absence also begins to fail. With regular sex life, blood circulation improves. Including in the penis, which is responsible for its functionality and size.

Without much harm to health, a man can be out of sexual relations for 3 weeks. Such abstinence will not affect his psycho-emotional and physical state. Women, on the other hand, are more patient, they can go without sex for 7-8 weeks and not suffer either physically or emotionally.

However, you should not delay finding a partner in order to lead a harmonious and rich life. But casual relationships can also be unsatisfactory. Look for the golden mean and health to you with our portal.

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