Healthy hair requires a special diet. Only when the scalp is supplied with the necessary nutrients does the hair grow well. The diet plan for healthy skin, shiny hair should contain protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. What can increase hair growth? What measures will help to ensure that the hair began to grow again? What are the most common causes of hair loss?
Answers to these questions were offered for Ben Mones, designer, art director / technologist and distributor of Jojo haircosmetic.
For the beauty of hair, a diet focused on a slim figure does not bring anything positive. On the contrary, insufficient nutrition makes hair thin and can even lead to hair loss, their intense & nbsp; loss. Hair health is particularly affected when the diet provides less than 1000 calories per day and is low in protein, without which the roots weaken, become depleted and, consequently, exceptionally fine hair begins to grow.
But even people with a balanced diet who suffer from chronic bowel disease often complain for diffuse hair loss. The intestine is responsible for the absorption of trace elements and nutrients from food. If the intestines do not work well, then only part of the nutrients enter the bloodstream and thus reach the hair roots. Hair roots need a lot of nutrients, because their cells are especially active, and they need a lot of energy to ensure the growth of healthy hair. Hair can receive this energy thanks to a well-thought-out diet.
Healthy Hair Diet Plan
Vitamin A
Vitamin A (retinol) is essential for scalp health and hair growth. Thanks to him, the hair grows well, he makes them smooth and lush. Retinol is found in dairy products, carrots, apricots, peppers, and fish oils. Too much vitamin A in the diet, however, is dangerous, so you need to be careful with vitamins and do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Recommended as a guideline for healthy hair use 1.5 milligrams of retinol (or its equivalent) per day. With food, the risk of overdose is unlikely.
Vitamin B
All B vitamins, especially vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), are very important in your diet for healthy hair. Vitamins strengthen hair and skin, regulate & nbsp; the production of sebum and are able to activate important metabolic processes in the hair root. They prevent inflammation and improve the care of a healthy scalp. A diet for healthy hair should contain yeast, meat, egg yolks, nuts, legumes, and wheat germ. They are the most valuable suppliers of vitamin B.
Vitamin C
As a universal remedy for healthy hair, you can unmistakably name Vitamin C, in any case, it is one of the key in terms of diet. It also plays a key role in healthy hair growth. It promotes the binding of iron in erythrocytes, and this important trace element is transported with its help throughout the & nbsp; body. It is very important that with the help of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) iron passes to the hair roots. This vitamin also strengthens hair cells. Vitamin C is found in all citrus fruits and cruciferous vegetables.
Vitamin H
This vitamin is also called biotin or vitamin B7. It is important, among other things, for closing and sealing the keratin scales of the hair. Thanks to him, we get healthy hair that becomes strong and radiant. Vitamin H leaves no chance for split ends. In addition, biotin keeps the skin supple and prevents inflammation. Thus, vitamin H is also effective against inflammation of the hair roots. Nutritionally, this vitamin is found in egg yolk, milk, whole grains, and nuts.
Hair is made up of keratin. This substance is created largely from protein - the basis of all cells. Thus, protein foods should not be neglected in the diet. Biologically more valuable for healthy hair is vegetable protein (from potatoes, corn, soybeans), but animal protein (meat, eggs, cheese) is also useful.
Without this trace element, the growth of body cells stops – including hair roots. Iron is an integral part of hemoglobin - the pigment of the blood and is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood. Iron is considered a source of vital energy, as it helps to supply & nbsp; oxygen every cell in our body. If the diet contains too little iron, it can lead to hair loss. Women with heavy blood loss during the menstrual period are especially at risk. In addition, vegetarians are at risk of suffering from iron deficiency and thus increased hair loss, because the most important supplier of iron is meat.
This trace element cannot be missing in the diet for healthy hair. This is one of the few trace elements that regulates metabolic processes in the body, as well as directly in the hair cells. A sufficient amount of copper in the daily diet improves hair structure, and a deficiency of this element leads to thin, brittle hair. Whole grains, legumes, nuts, dried fruits and yeast are rich in copper.
The most versatile of all trace elements – it's zinc. It activates numerous enzymes in the body, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. This microelement promotes hair growth, thanks to it new cells are formed faster. Zinc protects hair roots from inflammation and ensures healthy scalp. Fresh oysters are rich in zinc, as well as meat, eggs and cheese.
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