Топ-8 продуктов, которые повышают потенцию

You, of course, have heard something about the fact that there are products that increase potency and have a beneficial effect on men's sexual health. Estet-portal offers to study this issue in more detail, to find out what exactly and in what form the representatives of the stronger sex need to eat in order to never experience problems in the intimate sphere.

Mankind of ancient times was interested in what kind of products that increase potency in men and enhance erectile function, provide the stronger sex with the opportunity to realize their erotic fantasies not only in their youth, but also at a more mature age.

First of all, we note that in men, sexual dysfunction can be triggered by a variety of reasons, not least among which is the deficiency of certain vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances,

So, what do men need to eat in order not to experience problems in the intimate sphere?

#1. Oysters, shrimps and crabs – the most useful seafood to increase potency

The biosynthesis of testosterone, the lack of which negatively affects the sexual function of a man, is impossible without omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, zinc and selenium, which are abundant in various seafood. Which of them is recommended for the representatives of the stronger sex? These are the most diverse mollusks, as well as some types of ocean fish. Some of the most popular marine "aphrodisiacs" include:

  • Oysters, which serve as a source of proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements, B vitamins, vitamin PP and nicotinic acid. In addition, the high content of zinc helps to protect the body of a man from infection of the genitourinary system, and the presence of polyunsaturated fats and ceramides is an excellent prevention of cancer.
  • Shrimp and crabs, which supply the body with easily digestible proteins that reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, and therefore have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of blood vessels. At the same time, there is an improvement in the hematopoietic ability of the body, which contributes to the normalization of erectile function and an increase in the quality of sperm.

#2. Catch a fish – big and small

Fatty varieties of marine fish, which also serve as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, help increase capillary permeability, improve blood circulation and ensure the restoration of erectile function. In addition, they help prevent prostate cancer. These products (even if we are talking about oily fish) are quite easily absorbed by the body, supplying us with proteins, vitamins and minerals. Eating regularly, various varieties of sea fish – cod, salmon, trout, salmon, pink salmon you provide yourself with a general improvement in the state of the body, strengthening potency and slowing down the aging process.

However, one should not think that only the noble red fish has properties so valuable for men's health. Unpretentious and fairly cheap anchovies contain a unique complex of minerals – iron, potassium, zinc and calcium, as well as vitamin A and B vitamins. They help in the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, obesity and impotence.

The most useful for men's health are flounder and mackerel. These varieties of fish help increase endurance and performance, have a stimulating effect on sexual desire.

#3. Nuts for every taste – an indispensable product for men's health

The benefits of a wide variety of nuts for maintaining men's health have also been known for a very long time. Their most diverse types, from noble walnuts and almonds to small pine nuts, contain vegetable proteins, fats, essential oils and many vitamins.

Vitamin C and B vitamins are especially important for eliminating problems with potency, which have a positive effect on testosterone synthesis. In addition, any nuts are rich in arginine — amino acid that improves blood circulation and contributes to the normalization of erectile function.

One of the most popular ways to eat nuts, which is often used to improve potency – combining them with honey. There are many variants of the popular recipe, in which peeled and crushed walnut kernels and honey are essential ingredients.

Various dried fruits (for example, potassium-rich dried apricots), as well as lemons, along with zest, can serve as a supplement as a source of ascorbic acid. It is recommended to chop nuts – so they are easier to digest. But honey, even thickened, in no case should be subjected to heat, so that it does not lose its healing properties. Take this drug no more than two teaspoons a day.


#4. Here is such a parsley or how ordinary greens are useful

If many have heard about the benefits of expensive delicacies (red fish or crabs) for male potency, then not everyone knows about the merits of modest parsley (as well as dill, cilantro, spinach and onions!) Nevertheless, this product is very valuable for the representatives of the stronger sex, because, in addition to a significant amount of vitamins and trace elements, it contains apigenin, which in the body of a man limits the production of female sex hormones, which has the most favorable effect on testosterone levels.

In addition, androsterone – a substance that is an analogue of the male sex hormone.

Eating parsley helps

  • prostatitis prevention;
  • normalization of the adrenal glands, in which a certain amount of testosterone is produced;
  • cleansing the urinary tract.

#5. The power of celery: tops or roots

The product we are talking about now has appeared on the market relatively recently. We will talk about celery, which is high in a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Celery contains vitamins A, C, E, PP, K and B vitamins, as well as a unique complex of minerals, including zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. In addition, this product serves as a source of androsterone, which enhances the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics.

Androsterone has the ability to be released along with sweat, and act on the opposite sex as a pheromone.

But this, of course, does not exhaust the list of its healing qualities. Celery has a diuretic effect and helps in the treatment of infections affecting the genitourinary system, liver, kidneys and reproductive organs.

Of course, this product is universal, you can use – fragrant herbs, used as a seasoning, and the root of this plant, which is consumed raw, boiled or baked.

#6. Ginger – panacea for male potency

Ginger root has long been known as an extraordinary healing product. The use of ginger promotes rejuvenation and increased efficiency, increased blood circulation and potency in men. Moreover, the use of spices with ginger is especially appropriate when preparing a romantic dinner, since this product – one of the most famous, and most importantly, affordable aphrodisiacs, characterized by a slight stimulating effect.

Root ginger – a real storehouse of a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances that will help strengthen immunity, allow you to feel a surge of strength and energy. This product is quite suitable for daily use in the diet of men of any age, because ground to a powder state, it harmoniously combines with a wide variety of meat, fish and vegetable dishes, giving them a piquant spiciness.

However, ginger is not only seasoned with meat or fish dishes, but also used as the basis for a variety of drinks, which, due to their tonic properties, are quite capable of withstanding competition even with the usual morning coffee.

If you are trying ginger drinks for the first time, take the advice of nutritionists and start using this product with a small amount. The daily portion of ginger should not exceed 2 g per 1 kg of your weight.

#7. Meat – an irreplaceable source of proteins

From ancient times, meat has been one of the products that are needed as a source of male power. In any of the varieties of meat there are essential proteins and amino acids. However, along with the substances that are needed for the normal functioning of the male body, meat serves as a source of fats and "bad" cholesterol, and therefore the use of meat products requires a very thoughtful approach. The most useful for the stronger sex are:

  • veal;
  • lean beef;
  • chicken breast;
  • rabbit meat.

In addition, it should be remembered that from the whole variety of types of heat treatment, preference should be given to boiling, stewing and baking, since this product accumulates carcinogens during frying.

Read also: "

11 useful tips on how to increase libido" #8. Chicken eggs: good or bad

Chicken eggs are currently one of the most controversial foods, but that doesn't make them any less popular. Indeed, in order to boil eggs, cook fried eggs or a magnificent omelet, a few minutes are enough. This product contains all the substances necessary for life: proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, which makes it in some way completely unique.

Besides, eggs are considered a valuable (and, most importantly, affordable!) source of healthy cholesterol, without which testosterone synthesis is impossible. However, it is the high cholesterol content in this product that gives nutritionists reason to limit the use of eggs: no more than two pieces once every two days. Opponents of this approach argue that eggs contain a substance that limits the level of cholesterol in the body.

Read also: "

Bad and good cholesterol" Which opinion to listen to is up to you, but remember: eggs – a product that should not be consumed raw. Very often, it is on the eggshell that dangerous pathogenic microbes can be found, in particular, salmonella, which cause very dangerous diseases.

As you just had a chance to see, there are many foods that you pass by every day in the supermarket that can work miracles if they are properly prepared and regularly present on your menu.

Supplementing your daily diet with them, you can prevent the occurrence of many

health problems

that the stronger sex is prone to. More interesting information about products that increase potency can be found on the site estet-portal.com.

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