Stress has become a constant companion of our daily lives. Surprisingly, in today's world, which is so technologically advanced and improved in comparison with previous decades, a quiet life seems to be something out of the realm of fantasy. People worry about everything: their health, backlog, financial situation and personal life. In the West, almost every resident of large cities systematically visits a psychoanalyst who helps him cope with stress. If you are too worried and worried about little things – perhaps these are signs of an anxiety disorder. knows how to calculate the insidious disease.

8 Symptoms to Recognize An Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder is a common disorder diagnosed in a large percentage of the population, predominantly in large cities.

If excessive worry over trifles is typical for you – perhaps these are signs of an anxiety disorder.

 The following symptoms will indicate the presence of an anxiety disorder:

  1. Excessive anxiety. One of the most characteristic symptoms of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety – it is a trait that each of us has. If disturbing emotions bother you most days of the week, for at least 6 months, and are accompanied by fatigue or weakness – they may be a sign of illness.
  2. Sleep problems. If you can't fall asleep for a long time, tossing and turning in bed and thinking about everyday problems, or  experiencing anxiety for no reason – it is worth thinking about a possible health problem.
  3. Panic fear. Fear – it is a natural response of the human body in response to a threat. With          Anxiety disorder is not about healthy fear, but about phobias, most often unfounded. A person begins to panic fear for his own life and health, which is not the norm.
  4. Muscular tension. We are talking about hypertonicity of various muscles of the body, as a result of which the somatic health of the patient suffers. This symptom is often accompanied by twitching of individual muscles, as well as nightly grinding of the teeth, resulting from the strong clenching of the jaws during sleep.
  5. Chronic dyspepsia. Digestive problems occur in the form of irritable bowel syndrome. A person is concerned about bloating, cramps and pain, changes in the consistency of the stool and violations of the act of defecation.

6. Panic attacks. A symptom can occur as a result of exposure to a provoking factor, or without obvious causes. Terrifying fear is accompanied by palpitations, shortness of breath, pain syndrome of various localization and other symptoms.

7. Perfectionism. Obsessions accompanied by obsessive actions – a big problem for patients with anxiety disorder. Such people have difficulty with even the simplest of actions, such as going back several times to check if they closed the door.

8. Lack of self-esteem. One of the common symptoms of an anxiety disorder. Patients feel uncomfortable in society, doubt their own usefulness, and this often affects their relationships even with close relatives.

In addition to anxiety, fear and other symptoms, the disease can manifest itself with other symptoms: palpitations, dizziness, sweating and muscle tension.

But don't panic!  Treatment of an anxiety disorder involves, first of all, conducting psychotherapeutic conversations with a specialist, and only then prescribing medications.

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