In our time, it is almost impossible to enjoy perfect silence from the constant noise of the streets, incredibly loud neighbors from above, the screams of children, the ringing phone and the bustle of work, it is very difficult to hide. Under such conditions, the idea of escaping to a quiet place, located far from civilization and problems, becomes more tempting than ever. Scientists, alarmed by the influence of the modern rhythm of life on the mental and physical state of a person, are constantly trying to find ways to maintain health of the nervous system. And one of them is silence. Today will tell you why spending time in silence is good for the brain.
Just a couple of hours spent in silence contribute to the regeneration of brain cells
In 2013, Brain, Structure and Function, published the results of a study during which the effects of various types of noise and silence on the brain of rodents were studied. The control group fell to spending time in silence, but the results surprised the researchers: in mice that spent 2 hours a day in silence, new cells developed in the hippocampus (responsible for memory, emotions and learning).
Silence promotes the differentiation of new brain cells into functioning neurons, which are actively involved in the work of the brain.
And, importantly, in this case, the cells differentiated into functioning neurons.
In addition, scientists say that silence allows:
- relieve stress;
- improve cognitive functions.
In silence, the brain actively assimilates and analyzes information
Noise is known to affect our body on a physical level. Sound waves enter our brain in the form of electrical signals. The brain responds to these signals even during sleep. Under the influence of extraneous noise, the amygdala is activated, which leads to the production of stress hormones.
Constantly being in a noisy environment increases the level of stress hormones.
In 2002, Gary Evans, a professor of human ecology at Cornell University, found that children living in constant noise develop a stress response that allows them to ignore the noise. However, such a reaction leads to the fact that children not only ignore harmful noise, but also perceive speech worse.
Silence, on the other hand, relieves stress and tension caused by exposure to noise. Therefore, according to research, spending time in silence is more effective than listening to relaxing music.
Silence improves cognitive performance
Noise pollution makes it difficult to concentrate on tasks and significantly reduces the success of children in school and the productivity of adults in the workplace. In addition, noise reduces motivation and increases the likelihood of mistakes.
Cognitive functions most adversely affected by noisy environments:
- attention (especially while reading);
- memory;
- problem solving.
Studies also show that children who live or study near aircraft, railroads, or highways have poorer cognitive and language skills than their peers who live and study in quiet areas.
Because the time spent in silence is simply necessary for the brain to restore attention, concentration and other cognitive functions.
Fortunately, it is not so difficult to resist the negative impact of noise pollution on the brain: you need to get out into nature as often as possible in order to regularly spend time in silence, plunging into your own thoughts: this will help improve your mood, relieve stress and maintain the health of the nervous system.
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